ICMGLT LIBRARY Bibliographic Data International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma Media: films, performances, + Victims’ Rights, Rights of Future Generations, and Reparative Justice Bibliographic Data The database provides information about varied and updated bibliographical sources in the field of trauma. The bibliographic material consists of professional literature. Thesaurus Advanced Search Search History Year 1900 1917 1930 1944 1945 1946 1949 1952 1953 1955 1960 1962 1963 1966 1967 1968 1969 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 20023 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 To "1993" - "2024" 1900 1917 1930 1945 1946 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 199 1990 1991 1992 1993 1993-2024 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 19983 1999 2 20 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 201 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 202 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2024. 2025 9172 980 Document Type 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 201 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Article Blog Blog Post Book Book Article Book Chapter Book Review Book Section Briefing Paper Citation Conference Paper Conference Poster Cultural Analysis Data report David M. Weiss disserta Dissertation Doctoral dissertation Doctoral Thesis E Book Essay Government Report Honor Program Honor's Thesis Interview John J. Sigal Journal Journal Article Journal of Family Issues LibGuide Literature review Magazine Magazine Article Master Thesis Master's Thesis Master's Thesis Morton Weinfeld News Article Newspaper Article Periodical PhD Thesis Podcast Episode Poster Presentation Presidential Address Press Release Psychiatry Research reference Reference Book Reference work entry Report research article Research Paper Research Report Research study Research Thesis Resource handbook Review Summary Specialization thesis Thesis Transcript Video Webpage Working Paper Workshop proceedings World Policy Journal Keyword (de)colonization #East Indian War 10R allele of DAT1 11-beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 11β-HSD-2 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 12-month alcohol use 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 1900-1945 1900-200 1900-2000 1914-1918 1932-1933 1939-1945 1940-1945 1945-1990 1945-2000 1960s 1970 1970-1980 1980-1990 1994 genocide against the Tutsi 200-300 2000-100 2000-2015 2000-2020 2000-210 2000-2100 2000-2100 United States 2020 20th century 2100-2000 2nd Generation Holocaust Survivors 2SLGBTQQIA 3 levels of racism 3E 3rd Generation Holocaust Survivors 7R allele of DRD4 9/11 900-1000 988 A1 allele of DRD2 abduction ability to cope ableism abolitionist Abolitionists Aboriginal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Aboriginal children Aboriginal communities Aboriginal cultures Aboriginal families Aboriginal healing Aboriginal health Aboriginal healthcare Aboriginal healthcare workers Aboriginal homeless Aboriginal homelessness Aboriginal homesless Aboriginal identity Aboriginal language knowledge Aboriginal leaders Aboriginal male violence Aboriginal males Aboriginal men Aboriginal Parenting Aboriginal patients Aboriginal people Aboriginal peoples Aboriginal Peoples Survey Aboriginal spirituality Aboriginal students Aboriginal traditional healing Aboriginal troopers Aboriginal women Aboriginal youth Aboriginalities Aborignal adolescents Aborignal children Aborignal population Abortion Abraham Lincoln absence of attachment representations absence of dead family members absense of dead family members abstract screening abuse abuse characteristics abuse of power abuse of women abuse survivors abusive relationships academic achievement academic functioning academic identity academic performance academic skills academic success access access to care access to culture access to education Access to health services accidental drug overdose accountability acculturation acculturation patterns acculturation status achievement gap achievement motivation acid acid violence ACRL analysis acting out acting White active coping active drug users Activism activity level Actor-partner interdependence modeling (APIM) Actor–Partner Interdependence Model Acute psychological stress acute stress adaptability adaptation Adaptations to Loss and Trauma adaptive abilities adaptive coping strategies adaptive responses Add Health addicition addiction Addiction Severity Index-Lite (ASI-Lite) Addressing trauma adiposity adjunctive lamotrigine treatment adjustment administrative support Adnyamathanha adolescence Adolescent adolescent alcohol use Adolescent and young adult mental health adolescent behavior problems adolescent boys adolescent bullying adolescent death adolescent depression adolescent development adolescent girls adolescent health adolescent offspring of women with PTSD adolescent psychopathology Adolescent Psychopathy Scales 9APS) adolescent sexual violence Adolescents adolescents/youth Adolf Hitler adoption adoptive parents Adult Attachment Interview adult bone metabolism adult children adult children of child survivors adult children of former prisoners of war adult children of Holocaust survivors adult children of suicide adult children of survivors adult children of war veterans adult development adult disease adult neurosis adult offspring adult offspring of elderly participants with PTSD symptoms adult offspring of former prisoners of war adult offspring of Holocaust survivors adult offspring of mothers pregnant during 9/11 adult offspring of trauma survivors adult offspring secondary traumatization adult offspring's secondary PTSS adult psychopathology adult survivors of child sexual abuse adult temperament adulthood adults adversarial growth Adverse Childhood Events adverse childhood experiences adverse effects adverse intergenerational consequences adverse outcomes adverse peer relationships adverse psychosocial exposure adversity adversity belief advocacy affective commitment affective empathy affordability Afghanistan Africa African American African American adolescents African American Church African American college students African American ex-slaves African American girls African American historical trauma African American Historical Trauma Questionnaire African American Historical Trauma Questionnaire (AAHTQ) African American history African American LGBT Issues African American Poetry African American slaves African American students African American studies African American women African American women writers African American youth African Americans African Americns African ancestry African cultural traditions African diaspora African migrants African-American experience African-American president African-Americans Afro-Catholicism Afro-Diasporic performances Afropean aftercare aftermath aftermath of genocide aftermath of mass violence aftermath of trauma age factors Age-Related Vitality ageing agency agentic transactions Aggression aggressive behavior aggressive behaviors aggressive policies aggressive thoughts Aging Aging Holocaust Survivors aging perspectives aging populations aging relations agricultural industry AI-SUPERFPF AI-SUPERPFP AI/AN AI/AN communities AI/AN urban adolescents AI/AN youth AIAN air raids Alaska Alaska Canneries Alaska Native Alaska Native adolescents Alaska Native children Alaska Native children's development Alaska Native communities Alaska Native girls Alaska Native Head Start administrators Alaska Native people Alaska Native Women Alaska Native youth Alaska Natives Alaska Natives Elders Albania Albanian Dictatorship alcohol alcohol abstinence alcohol abuse alcohol and drug use alcohol and drug use/abuse/addicition alcohol and drug use/abuse/addiction alcohol as coping Alcohol biomarker alcohol biomarkers Alcohol Consumption alcohol dependence Alcohol Effects Questionnaire (AEQ) alcohol expectancies Alcohol fetal syndrome alcohol treatment Alcohol use alcohol use disorder Alcohol Use Disorders Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) Alevi Kurd Algeria algorithms alienation alienation scale Allende Government Allostatic Load Allport's J-curve of institutional conformity alpha-function altered epigenetic regulation altered physiology alternate history alternative history alternative medicine alternative memories Alzheimer disease Am amazon rainforest ambient cortisol America's Forgotten Pandemic american adolescents American authors American Democracy American Dream American film American genocide American History American Holocaust American identity American Indian American Indian adolescents American Indian adults American Indian and Alaska Native American Indian and Alaska Native (AI and AN) American Indian and Alaska Native. Classroom Assessment Scoring System American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) American Indian Community American Indian Culture American Indian Elders American Indian Men American Indian or Alaska Native American Indian Population American Indian reservations American Indian Schools American Indian Service Utilization American Indian Service Utilization Psychiatric Epidemiology Risk and Protective Factors Project American Indian Women American Indian youth American Indian/Alaska Native American Indian/Alaska Native Elders American Indian/Alaska Native Woman American Indian/Alaska Native Women american indian/alaska native youth American Indians American Indians and Alaska Natives American Indians Elders American Indians/Alaska Native Youth American Indians/Alaska Natives American Indians/Alaska Natives Men American Indians/Native Americans American intelligence American Jew American Jewish parents American Jewish psychoanalyst american jews American movies American Muslim Women American non-Jewish analyst American presidents American Psychoanalytic Association American racial politics American Red Cross American religious fundamentalism American Slave Trade American women authors American women writers Americans amilial communication amnestic amulets analyses of variance analysis analysis of dreams analytic strategies Anatolia ancestors Ancestral indigenous culture ancestral pain ancestral trauma ANCOVA and Philippines and Transcendence (FHORT) anger animal animal killing animal studies animals Anishinaabe Anishinaabe communities Anishinawbekwe Anishnaabe Annihilation anxiety annotated bibliographies Anomic Suicide anomie scale anonymity anonymous survey anorexia nervosa ANOVAs anthology anthropological psychoanalysis anthropology anti- racism anti-bias anti-Black anti-Black racism anti-bullying Anti-Jewish terror anti-oppressive practice anti-racism anti-racist pedagogy anti-racist pracitces anti-racist practices anti-Semitism antidemocratic antidepressive agents antipsychotics antisemitism antisocial behavior antisocial cognition antisocial personality disorder Antonovsky Life Crises Scale anxiety Anxiety disorders anxiety factors Anxiety sensitivity anxiety sensitivity (AS) anxiety symptoms anxiety treatment Aotearoa New Zealand Apache Apache reservation Apartheid apology apportionment appraisal processes Approach-Avoidance Task appropriation Arab Americans arab countries Arab diaspora Arab-Israeli Conflict Arapaho archaeology archetypes architects architecture archives Arctic Argentina ARIA approach ARIA process Arizona armed conflict Armed Conflict Mediation Armenia Armenian Armenian Americans Armenian community Armenian culture Armenian Ethnic Oreintation Questionnarie Armenian etnic orientation Armenian family Armenian genocide Armenian genocide survivors Armenian history Armenian immigrants Armenian legacy armenian life Armenian origins Armenian-americans Armenians Arméniens army survivors arranged marriage Art Spiegelman art therapy art-evidence ARTIC scale articles artifacts artist artistic expression arts leaders arts therapy arts-based research Aryan Asian Americans Asian literature asian youth Asian-Americans Asians asocial world assault assessment assessment methods Assessment of African American Cultural-Spritual Experiences (ACSE) Assessment of African American Cultural-Spritual Experiences S assessment science assessment tools assets assimilation Assiniboine Tribe Asylum seekers Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb Survivors Atomic boming of Hiroshima atomic detonation atrocities atrocity crimes atrocity prevention attachment attachment / bonding attachment disorganization attachment insecurities Attachment Posttraumatic stress attachment relationship attachment security Attachment style Attachment theory attachments attempted destruction attempted suicide attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder attitude Attitudes toward aging attitudes toward family attitudes toward human rights attitudes toward science attitudes towards aging attractors attribution attribution process auditory hallucinations Auschwitz Auschwitz memorial museum Australia Australian Australian Aboriginal Version of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (AAVHTQ) Australian First Nations Australian-Bosniak Immigrants Austria Austrian history authoritarian parenting authoritarian regimes authoritarianism authority autobiographical film Autobiographical memory autobiographies autobiography Autochtones et Caucasiens autocracy autoethnography autohypnotic autoimmune disorders autonomous growth Autoregressive Cross Legged (ACRL) Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Modeling avatar-based training Avoidance avoidance of mourning avoidance system cluster axis I psychiatric disorder babies babies born to mothers exposed to the World trade Center attacks babies born to mothers with PTSD backlash trauma bad/ashamed German balance Balkan Wars Bangladesh barriers basal cortisol secretion Basque Country Bear River Massacre becoming a mother (BAM) behavior behavior age behavior control behavior issues behavior problems behavioral Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia behavioral development behavioral disturbances Behavioral Health Behavioral Health Intervention behavioral health risks behavioral intervention behavioral models behavioral patterns behavioral problems behavioral psychology behavioral reactions behavioral reactivity behavioral res behavioral research Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System behavioral science Behavioral sensitivity behavioral therapy behavioral traits behavioural pathology Belgium beliefs about science belonging belongingness benefit benevolence bereaved parents bereavement Berlin Wall best friends beta-elements betrayal trauma bias bibliography bien-être binge drinking binge eating binge-drinking bioarchaeology bioarcheology bioethical rights biofeedback biographies biography Biogrpahies biological anthropology biological embedding biological families biological mechanisms biological parents biological procedures biological research biological rhythms biological risk biological tissues biological transmission Biology Biomarkers biomedical research biomedicine Bion's Theory Bionion concept biopiracy bioprospecting biopsychosocial assessment biopsychosocialspiritual needs biosocial coevolution biotechnology BIPOC bipolar disorder biracial adolescents Biracial Identity birth birth certificate database birth order birth rate birthweight bisexual bisexual literature bisexuality Black adolescents Black adults Black ame Black American fiction Black American Men black americans Black artists black arts movement Black authors Black banking Black banks Black business Black capitalism Black church Black client Black communities Black community Black Death Black enterprise Black ex-slaves Black experience Black intellectualism Black liberation Black literary history black literary tradition Black men Black migrant diaspora Black militant organizations Black Muslims Black nationalism Black people -- Psychology Black people -- Race identity Black perspectives black population Black Power Movement Black Rage Black slaves Black students Black women Black youth Black-on-Black violence Black-owned banks black-white disparities Black-White test score gap blackfeet Blackness Blacks blank mourning blended treatment blended treatment approach blood blood analysis blood pressure blood tests BMI boarding school Boarding schools body mass index Body Mass Index (BMI) Bolivia Bolsheviks bomb survivors bombing Book border psychology borderline personality disorder boriginal and Torres Strait Islanders born of rape bosing Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosniaks and Serbs Bosnian genocide Bosnian Muslims Bosnian refugee families Bosnian War Boston boundaries boycott of Korean American greengrocers Brain Brain development Brain disorders brain tissue studies brazil Brazilian offspring of Holocaust survivors breast cancer Breastfeeding Breland-Noble Model of Pathways to Psychiatric Clinical Care Bride Ship Brief Symptom Inventory British nuclear test veterans Bubonic plague Buffaloes bullied peers Bully - documentary Bully - documentaty bully perpetration bully-sexual violence pathway bullying bullying beliefs bullying involvement bullying perpetration bullying prevention bullying victim bullying victimization bullying-sexual violence Burgenland burnout burns Burundi business practices Buss and Durkee Guilt Scale butchers bystander groups bystander intervention Bystander's guilt bystanders C-PTSD C. elegans CAFES multi-family support and education groups California California Indigenous communities California Indigenous peoples California Native Americans communities California Native peoples California Psychological Inventory Callous-unemotional traits Calls to Action Cambodia Cambodian civil war Cambodian genocide Cambodian genocide descendents Cambodian offspring Cambodian refugee community Cambodian refugees Cambodian youth Campus mental health CAN Canada Canada Residential schools Canada's early history Canadian Arctic Canadian Armed Forces Canadian Cambodians Canadian health care Canadian Residential Schools Canadian youth Cananda Cancer cancer patients cancer survivors Canda cannabis use Cannabis use disorder Cape Town capitalism Captivity car accidents cardiovascular cardiovascular activity cardiovascular disease cardiovasular disease care caregiver benevolence caregiver burden caregiver depression caregiver mental health caregiver stress caretaking behavior Caribbean Blacks Caribbean identity Caribfuturism Carl Jung cartoon violence Case law case studies case study case-control studies caste minorities caste system castration castration anxiety Catholic Church history Cattaraugus Reservation Caucasian college students Caucasian youth causal association CBPR approach CBT cell fusion cell hybrid Cell reprogramming census Center for Epidemiological Studies Scale (CES-D) Central African Republic Central California Central Intelligence Agency ceremonial processes ceremony Chad Chamoru People character character traits Chareidi Jews Chayela Rosenthal Chayele Rosenthal Chemawa Indian School chemical exposures Cheokee Chernobyl Cherokee Cherokee American Cherokee metaphor Cherokee Talking Circle Cheyenne Chicago chicago southside Chickasaw Child child abuse Child abuse and neglect child abuse survirors Child abuse; Depression; PTSD; Trauma; Women. child advocacy centres child and adolescent psychiatry child anxiety child behavior disorders Child care child development child health child holocaust survivors child injury occurrence child internalizing symptoms Child maltreatment child marriage of boys child mental health child mortality child neglect child of impaired parents child posttraumatic stress disorder child protection Child protection system child psychology child psychopathology child PTSD child rearing child sexual abuse child sexual violence child survivors child trauma victims child victims child welfare child welfare system child wellbeing child-of-survivor syndrome child-rearing child-survivor child-taking Childbearing childbirth childhood childhood abuse childhood adversity childhood anxiety childhood bullying childhood development childhood experiences childhood injury childhood maltreatment childhood memories childhood morbidity childhood outcomes childhood peer victimization childhood physical abuse childhood psychosocial adversity childhood sexual abuse childhood trauma childhood wartime recollections childre of survivors childrearing environments children children born of genocidal rape Children mental health children of Apartheid survivors children of combat veterans children of concentration camp survivors children of Eastern European immigrant children of escapees children of genocide survivors Children of Holocaust perpetrators children of Holocaust survivors Children of Holocaust victims Children of immigrant children of immigrants children of impaired parents children of Jewish concentration camp survivors children of Job children of mothers pregnant during 9/11 children of Nazis children of non-traumatized parents children of parents who served the third reich children of refugees children of SS soldiers children of survivors children of the Holocaust children of the Third Reich children of torture victims children of trauma survivors children of trauma victims children of traumatized parents children of veterans children of victims of suicide children of Vietnam combat veterans children of Vietnam veterans children survivor psyches children-of-Holocaust-survivors syndrome Children’s health children/youth children's health children's self-help children's verse children's wellbeing childrens trauma Chile Chilean children chilean dictatorship Chilean families Chilean parents Chilean students Chilean youth China Chinese Americans Chinese Famine Chinese Youth Chittagonians Choctaw Choctaw Native American Indians chosen glories chosen glory Chosen trauma chosen traumas Christianity christians chromatin chromosome elimination chromosome elimination cassette (CEC) chromosomes chronic disease chronic disorders chronic health conditions chronic pain chronic peer rejection chronic stress chronobiological alterations chronobiological analysis chronobiological parameters chronobiology churches CIA cigarette smoking cigarette use circadian and ultradian regulation circadian rhythm circadian rhythym citizenship citizenship identity civic identity civil conflict civil rights Civil Rights Movement civil society Civil War civilian war casualties civilians civilians in war civilization class CLASS behavioral markers CLASS training Classic Maya Period classism classroom characteristics classroom curriculum classrooms climate change Climate change and genocide climate change impacts climate refugees clinical aftereffects clinical approaches clinical care clinical disorders clinical health clinical hypnosis clinical implications Clinical insomnia clinical intervention clinical interventions clinical interview clinical interviews clinical practice Clinical practice in African American communities clinical psychology clinical screening clinical symptomatology clinical theory Clinician Administered PTSD Scale Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) Closing the Gap closure co-design brains trust Co-management co-mobordities coastal communities coastal economies Coastal Indigenous communities COE cognition cognitive abilities cognitive aspects cognitive behavior therapy cognitive behavioral models cognitive behaviors Cognitive disorders cognitive emotional criteria cognitive empathy Cognitive function cognitive functioning cognitive impulsivity cognitive patterns cognitive restructuring cognitive stimulation cognitive-interpretive processes Cohesion Evaluation Scale Cohort Effect cohort study Cold War collaboration collective Collective action collective agency collective behavior collective discrimination collective efficacy collective healing collective history Collective Identity collective intelligence collective loss collective memories collective memory Collective narrative practice collective recovery collective reparations collective rights collective self-esteem Collective trauma collective truth Collective victimization collective violence collective welbeing collectivism-individualism collectivism-indiviualism college college completion college student college students College students of color college women Colombia colonial crimes colonial economics Colonial Government colonial governments colonial harms Colonial history colonial legacies colonial schooling system Colonial violence colonialism colonialism diaspora colonization Colorado Columbia Columbine Columbine High School Shootings combat experience combat exposure combat patients combat stress reaction Combat Stress Reaction (CSR) Combat Veteran combat veterans comics coming of age commemoration Commercial determinants of health Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health common factors common mental disorders commuication communal identity communal mastery communal suffering communal violence communicable diseases communication communication about sexuality communication barriers Communication behaviors Communication behaviours communication methods communication of trauma communication styles communicative dialectical tensions communicative struggles Communism communities communities of resistance community Community and Family Support community attitudes community building community counselors Community cultural wealth Community cultural wealth (Yosso community empowerment community engagement community environment community forums community healing community health community health services community history community integration community interventions community memory community mental health community mental health services community needs assessments community network community participation community programming community programs Community psychiatry Community psychology community research Community resilience community services community storytelling community support community tension community trauma community violence community violence exposure community wellbeing community-based community-based coping strategies community-based counselors Community-based Healing community-based health programs community-based participatory research Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) community-based participatroy research community-based prevention programs community-based sample Community-engaged Research community-engaged study comorbid parent disorders comorbid PTSD comorbidity comparative literature comparative study comparative sudy comparison subject compassion fatigue Competência Médica complex disease Complex interventions Complex post-traumatic stress disorder Complex PTSD Complex Transgenerational Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome Complex trauma Complex Traumatic Stress Disorder Complex-PTSD complexity science complicated grief Composite International Diagnostic Interview composite score compounded colonization compulsion compulsory military service computer game Concentration Camp concentration camp effects concentration camp prisoners concentration camp survivor syndrome concentration camp survivors concentration camp syndrome concentration camps concentration camps survivors Concept analysis concept mapping Concept of self conceptual framing Conceptualization of self conceptualization of trauma conceptualizations of trauma conduct disorders conference proceedings confidentiality of editorial review process conflict conflict cycle conflict legacies conflict of morality conflict related loss conflict resolution conflict-related displacement conflict-related loss conflict-related sexual violence confounding factors connectedness connection connection to land conscious conflict consciousness consequences of trauma Conservancies conservation conservation' conspiracies of silence Constitutional Law Constrained Choice constructive processes constructivist self-development theory consultation contact barriers contact theory contagion of violence contemporary injustice contemporary research contemporary trauma contextual factors Continental Africans Contingency management Continuing struggle of parents continuing trauma continuity of violence continuous traumatic stress control control-guilt induction conversion Cook-Medley hostility cooperation Coping coping mechanisms coping methods coping planning coping skills coping strategies coping strategy coping style coping styles copy number variation coronary heart disease Coronavirus corporations corruption corticosterone cortisol cortisol excretion cortisol levels cortisol negative feedback inhibition cortisone COS counsciousness counseling counseling psychology Counseling Techniques counselling counter rejection counter-transference counterfactual countertransference couple forgiveness couples course of illness Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) covariance analysis covariation COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic Cowichan cptsd Cradleboard creative arts creative expression creative reparative force Cree Creek Crémieux Decree crime crime prevention crime victims crime-related characteristics crimes crimes against humanity criminal activities criminal acts criminal careers criminal justice criminal justice system Criminal Law criminal sentences criminal trials criminality criminalization criminological theory crisis crisis hotline critical consciousness Critical Essay critical ethnography critical historical education critical prevention studies critical response critical theory critical thinking critical trauma theory Critical White Studies critique Croatia Cross-Cultural cross-cultural collaboration cross-cultural comparison cross-cultural education cross-cultural instrument cross-cultural measurement cross-cultural psychiatry cross-cultural studies cross-generational transmission cross-generational transmission of trauma cross-generational trauma cross-sectional study cross-sectional survey CSR CTPSS cultural amplifers Cultural appreciation cultural assessment cultural assimilation cultural awareness cultural barriers to healthcare cultural beliefs cultural bias cultural buffers Cultural capital cultural change cultural characteristics Cultural competence cultural competency cultural concepts cultural connectivity Cultural Context cultural contexts Cultural determinants cultural differences cultural dimensions cultural disruption cultural disruptions cultural diversity cultural dynamics cultural experiences cultural formulation Cultural genocide cultural groups Cultural healers cultural heritage cultural heritage law cultural identities cultural identitiy cultural identity cultural identity silencing Cultural Influences cultural interaction cultural interface cultural intervention cultural issues cultural knowledge Cultural Learning cultural loss cultural mediation cultural memory cultural misalignment cultural mothering practices cultural movements cultural norms cultural participation cultural practices and values cultural pride cultural productions cultural psychiatry cultural psychology cultural reclamation cultural relevance Cultural repatriation cultural restoration cultural revitalization cultural rights cultural safety Cultural scripts of trauma cultural sensitivity cultural shyness cultural socialization cultural stereotypes Cultural stress cultural studies cultural support cultural survival cultural theory cultural tradition cultural traditionality Cultural Traditions cultural transgenerational trauma cultural trauma cultural values cultural-posttraumatic stress disorder culturally appropriate culturally based social justice interventions culturally competent care Culturally grounded research Culturally grounded theory Culturally relevant pedagogy culturally relevant treatment programs culturally responsive mental health care culturally responsive perinatal care culturally responsive treatment culturally safe culturally safe care culturally sanctioned violence culturally sensitive culturally sensitive healing approach culturally specific treatment Culturally sustaining pedagogy culturally unique risk culturally-based healthcare culturally-based trauma culturally-responsive counselling culturally-tailored contingency management intervention culture Culture and child welfare Culture and trauma culture camps culture eradication culture of hate Culture-based research culture-based resources cumulative stress cumulative trauma cumulative trauma related disorders Cumulative traumas cumulative-genetic plasticity current PTSD current sociological drug addiction theory Currere curvilinear predictors customary international law CVR cyber bullying cyber-behavior cyber-sexual harassment perpetration cyberbullying cycle of violence cycles of violence Cyprus cytosine methylation cytosine-phosphate-guanine sites daily glucose checks Daily Spiritual Experience Scale dance dance movement therapy danger Danny Kaye Dark Core dark matter dark web data access data aggregation data governance data privacy data rights dating dating abuse dating violence dating violence victimization daughter of abuse survivors daughters daughters of Holocaust survivors daughters of trauma survivors David Koresh Dead Child death death certificate database death instinct death of a child debriefing decarbonization decolonialism decoloniation decolonisation Decolonization decolonization education decolonization theory decolonizing education decolonizing methodology deculturation default German defense defense mechanisms defensive caretaking patterns defensive German defensive mechanisms defensive styles deficit model degradation dehumanization delay discounting delayed mourning Delhi delinquency delinquent acts delinquent behaviors Delphi study dementia democracy demographics denial Denmark dental care deployment deportation depositing depressed mood depressed parents depression depression isolation depression symptoms depressive affects depressive disorder depressive disorders depressive experiences depressive position depressive symptom comorbidity depressive symptom trajectories Depressive Symptoms depth psychology descendants of Holocaust survivors descendants of World War II Polish survivors descendents of holocaust perpetrators Descendents of Holocaust Survivors descriptive phenomenological analysis descriptive phenomenological method descriptive phenomenology desctructive self-identification desegregation desensitization desexualization desire despressive experiences destruction destruction of traditional cultural practices destructiveness determinants of health détresse psychologique developing nations Development development of child anxiety development of depression development of morality development-based trauma framework (DBTF) Developmental Biology developmental changes developmental continuity developmental discontinuity developmental legacy developmental neuroscience developmental origins developmental origins of disease developmental outcomes developmental plasticity developmental processes Developmental programming developmental psychology developmental psychopathology developmental theory developmental trajectories developmental trauma Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) Developmental Trauma Disorder Questionnaire (DTDQ) Developmental-Based Trauma Framework (DBTF) deviancy deviant behaviors dexamethasone diabetes diabetes prevention diabetes self-management diabetes self-management behaviors diabetes-related complications diabetes-related genes diabetes-related health outcomes diagnoses diagnosis Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV diagnostic evaluation diagnostic instruments diagnostic interviews diagnostic protocols diagnostic status dialectical behavioral therapy diaspora diaspora organizations dictatorship Diet-resistant obesity dieting concerns Differential diagnostics differential-susceptibility hypothesis differentiation differentiation of self differentiation of the self (DS) digital archiving digital stories Digital Storytelling digital surveillance dilated eye exam diplomacy diplomat direct exposure direct exposure to trauma direct personal agency direct transmission direct victimization disabilities disability Disabled people disadvantaged populations disappointment disarmament disassociation disaster disaster managmenet disaster preparedness Disasters disclosure discrete trauma discretion discretionary power discrimination disease disease susceptibility disordered eating disorganised attachment Disparities displaced families displaced families of war displaced individuals displacement displacement-related stimuli dispossession of land dissent and disputes Dissertation Abstract dissociated trauma dissociation dissociative disorders dissociative identity disorder distance distorted history distorted information distress distribution of disease distrust diverse women diversity diversity training divorce divorced women Diyanet DNA DNA methylation doctor-patient relationships doctoral education documentation domestic abuse domestic courts domestic relationa domestic relations Domestic Violence Domestic workers dominance dominance-subordination dominant psychologies domination dopamine Dorothy West dose effects dose gradient dose-response relationship double-blind method double-wall phenomenon downsizing Drama Dream Catcher-Medicine Wheel dreams drowning drug abuse drug effects drug therapy drug use DSM DSM-III-R disorders DSM-IV DSM-IV disorders DSM-V dual specificity phosphatase 22 DUSP22 methylation DUSP22 promoter Dutch Famine Dutch Woman dyadic adjustment dyadic analysis dyadic self-disclosure Dyads dynamical systems dynamically-oriented art therapy dynamics dysfuctional parenting dysfunction dysfunctional behavior dysfunctional community syndrome early adolescence early adolescent early adolescent school children early adolescent schoolchildren early adolescents early childbearing early childhood early childhood behavior early childhood classroom observation early childhood development early childhood education Early childhood education and care Early Childhood Education Barriers early childhood education program early childhood education programs early childhood systems early environmental exposure early environmental exposures early human development early life adversity early life environment early life experience early life exposures early life starvation early life traumas early separation early trauma Early-life adversity early-life exposure Early-life stress earthquake East Africa East Germany East Indian War Eastern Tribes Eastwood eating attitudes eating behaviors eating disorders eclectic perspective ecocide ecological framework Ecological Perspective Ecological Restoration ecology economic disparities economic disparity economic hardship economic justice economic status economics ecotoxicology Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (DPDS) Educação Médica education education psychology education/income level educational attainment rates educational context educational disparities educational disparity gap educational equity educational inequality educational inequities educational outcomes educational services educator safety effectiveness of psychotherapy effects of disasters effects of war ego ego functioning eHealth El Salvador elder abuse elder maltreatment Elder Mentorship elder mistreatment elder treatment elder-in-place eldering elderly Elders eldership electricity Electroconvulsive therapy Electronic Health Records elementary education elementary school elementary school youth Elie Wiesel embitterment Embodiment embyonic stem cells (ESC) emergency department emergent properties emergic adult Emerging Adult emerging adulthood emerging adults emigration Emil Fackenheim emotion emotion regulation emotional abuse emotional and behavioral difficulties emotional aspects emotional behaviors emotional burdens emotional contagion emotional cutoff differentiation emotional distress emotional duress emotional effects emotional effects of racism Emotional health emotional history emotional inheritance emotional injury emotional outcomes emotional problems emotional reactivity emotional reactivity dimensions emotional regulation emotional stability emotional state emotional states emotional suffering emotional symptoms emotional trauma emotional well-being emotional wellbeing emotionally responsive avatars emotions empathy empires empirical research perspective employment opportunities empowerment Enculturation endocrinology Endometriosis energy Enforced disappearance enforced sterilization England English-speaking proficiency engulfment anxiety enhanced plasma cortisol suppression Enlightenment enrichment Enrique Pichon Riviere enslaved people enslavement entanglement entitlement ideologies entitlement ideology entrepreneurship entry enumeration environment environment and culture environmental environmental activism environmental change environmental changes environmental conditions environmental conflict environmental da environmental damage environmental ethics environmental exposure environmental factors environmental impact environmental influence environmental justice environmental rights environmental stress environmental toxicants environmental violence Environmentalism epidemic diseases Epidemics epidemiological studies epidemiology epigenetic alterations epigenetic factors epigenetic inheritance epigenetic locus epigenetic mechanisms epigenetic modifications epigenetic phenotype epigenetic research Epigenetic therapy Epigenetics epigenome-wide association studies epigenomics Epilepsy episodic life stress epistemic justice epistemological differences Epistolary Equal treatment equity equity-oriented health care eradication erasure ES calls ES cells eschatology ESRD essays Estudantes de Medicina ethical dilemmas ethics ethnic cleansing ethnic communities ethnic discrimination ethnic disempowerment ethnic disparities ethnic group Ethnic groups ethnic identifiers Ethnic Identity ethnic identity negotiation ethnic identityintergenerational transmission ethnic inequality ethnic minorities ethnic minority ethnic minority groups ethnic minority status ethnic minority women ethnic origins ethnic populations ethnic pride ethnic relations ethnic studies ethnic subgroups ethnic variations in health status ethnic-racial identity ethnic-religious groups ethnic.racial socialization ethnic/racial minorites ethnic/racial minorities ethnic/religious marriage choice ethnicity ethnicity psychology ethno-religious ethnocentricity ethnographic data ethnography ethnonational characteristics ethnopsychiatric approach Ethnopsychiatry Ethnopsychology ethnoracial devaluation Ethyl glucuronide etiology Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing EU eugenics EugenicsTorture and Genocide; European History European holocaust heritageDiscourse analysisNetnographySocial mediaDark tourismFoucault European Invasion Europeans Eva Hoffman evaluation Event centrality Evidence-Based Intervention evidence-based practice evidence-based psychotherapy evidence-based research evidence-based response strategies evidence-based treaty monitoring evil Evo-Devo evolution evolution of memory evolutionarily stable strategy evolutionary biology evolutionary medicine evolutionary psychology evolutionary theory EWAS EWAS platforms EWAS projects ex-POW's ex-POW's wives ex-POWs ex-POWs' adult children ex-POWs' wives ex-slaves exclusion executive power exhibition exhumations exile existentialism exit-voice-loyalty exon 1F promoter Expectations experienced-centered form analysis experimental obedience experimental research exploitation exposure exposure to captivity exposure to combat exposure to pathogenic conditions exposure to stress exposure to terror exposure to trauma exposure to violence expressionism extant literature External Reality externalization externalized aggression externalized oppression externalizing and internalizing symptoms externalizing symptoms extinction Extinction training extractivism Extraordinary African Chambers (EAC) extraterritorial jurisdiction extreme conditions extreme distress Extreme parenting extreme traumatization Extremist extroversion eye movement desensitization fa facism factors contributing to resiliency faith faith traditions fallout falls familial communication familial dysfunction familial oral traditions familial relationships Familial risk familial support familial trauma familial variables families families of concentration camp survivors families of drug users families of Holocaust survivors families of incarcerated men families of trauma survivors Families Rebuilding Lives family Family Adaptability Scale Family Assessment Device family breakdown family caregivers family characteristics Family cohesion family communication Family Consequences of Refugee Trauma (FAMCORT) family context family coping styles family court family drama family dynamics family dysfunction family enmeshment Family environment family functioning family group family hardships family health family histories family history Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria interviews family identity family income family interactions family intervention Family Involvement Questionnaire family life family management family memories Family occupation family patterns family perspective family planning Family Planning Program Family Relations family relationships family roles family roles and obligations family secrets family separation Family Social Science family sociology Family Stress Model (FSM) family structure family study family support family systems Family Therapy family trauma family violence family-centered approach family-network therapy family-oriented mental health services family-oriented rehabilitation family-oriented rehavilitation famine famine exposure famine-exposed schizophrenia patients fantasies fantasy farmers fascism fatalism father father and son dyads father-child bonding father-child dyads father-daughter incest father-daughter relationship father-mother-adult offspring triads father-mother-offspring triads father-offspring dyads father-son relationships fatherhood fathers FBI FDIC fear Fear Conditioning fear learning fear of discrimination fear of radiation exposure fearful thoughts federal health programs Federal Reserve federal schools Federally-funded Health Research feelings feelings of isolation feelings of resentment female female children Female Family Headship female gang involvement Female leadership female sterilization femicide femininity feminism feminist life course perspective feminist psychology feminist theories Ferenczi fertility problems fetal brain development fetal development fetal endocrine programming fetal exposure Fetal origins fetal programming fetoplacental interaction fiction fighting Filipino Americans film films financial problems financials Finland Finnish Evacuation Finnish individuals firearms firefighters first amendment freedoms first generation first international conference on children of holocaust survivors First Nation First nation adolescents First nations First Nations adults First Nations and Metis Health and Well-being First Nations patients First Nations People First Nations peoples First Nations women First Peoples' children first world nations first-degree relatives of trauma survivors first-year college students firsthand accounts fisheries fisheries management fishery disasters fishery-specific disasters Fixed Mindset FK506 binding protein 5 FKBP5 FKBP5 methylation flight stories focus groups Folk song followership food Food insecurity foot checks FOR forced abortion forced displacement forced labor forced removal forced sterilization forces de caractère foreign policy forensic epidemiology forensic interview forensic mental health forensic nursing forensic patient forgetting forgiveness forgotten victims Formalization formation of identity former child soilders former child soldiers former POWs former prisoners of war former prisoners of war dyads Former Soviet Union former Yugoslavia Fort Peck Tribes Fort Sumter four Likert scale Fourteenth Amendment fourth generation Armenian genocide survivors fractured families fragile states Framework of Historical Oppression Framework of Historical Oppression Resilience and Transcendence (FHORT) France Francoism Francophone Caribbean women writers Frankl Franklin D. Roosevelt Frederick Douglas Frederick Douglass freedom Freerick Douglass French colonies French Revolution French West Africa Freud Freudian theories Freudian Theory friendship friendship network friendship networks friendships Friere's theory of social justice frontier conflict frontier violence frontier wars FSM pathways FSM scholarship FSU Fukishima nuclear disaster fulfillment therapy functional independence Functionality Level functioning fundamentalism fundamentalist Christianity funds of knowledge funerals further reading gacaca GAI-SF game intervention gametes gang entry gang involvement gang membership gang presence gang youth gatekeeper training gatekeepers gay gay literature gay peers Gaza gender gender and sexuality gender attitudes Gender Differences gender identity gender identiy gender justice gender minorities Gender norms gender persecution gender role conflict gender roles gender studies gender treatment Gender violence gender-based crime gender-based crimes gender-based violence gender-nonconforming adolescents gender-specific risk factors Gendered harassment Gene enrichment gene expression gene methylation gene x environment interactions gene-environment interaction genealogy general strain theory Generation generation level generational generational continuity generational cumulative trauma generational effects generational impact generational impact of war generational tramuma generational transmission of family health generational trauma generational wealth generations generative conflict genes genesis of thought genetic alterations genetic factors genetic mechanisms genetic models genetic regulation genetic transmission genetic vulnerability genetics genocidal persecution genocidal rape genocidal trauma génocide genocide Genocide Convention genocide denial genocide legacies genocide studies genocide survivors genome-wide association study genotype geographic isolation georgia geoscience education germ cells German colonialism German History German Imperial troops German Jews German occupation of the Netherlands German psychoanalyst German South West Africa German subjectivity Germans Germany germline transmission germs Gerontology and social work Gestation gestational uterine environment GFP (green fluorescent protein) ghettos ghosting girls Global global diplomacy global environment global health global health policy global impact Global North global nutrition global south Global South traditions Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health global travel globalization Glomeruli glucocorticoid Glucocorticoid metabolism glucocorticoid programming glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity glucocorticoid receptors Glucocorticoids glucocrticoid programming good and evil good German Governance government government education government policies government-oriented NGOs (GONGOs) Gowanda GR-1F GR-1F promoter methylation graduate Grandchildren of Holocaust grandchildren of Holocaust survivors grandchildren of Second-World-War generation Germans grandchildren of survivors grandfather grandmother grandparents graphic novels grassroots activism gratitude Great house great-grandchildren of genocide survivors Greece Green New Deal green technology greenhouse gas emissions Greenland grief grief and loss grieving families grippe Grounded Theory approach Group Behavior group differences in disease group dynamics group identity Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) group perspective group psychology group psychotherapy group therapy Group therapy effectiveness group trauma group violence Growing up in Holocaust culture growth Growth Mindset Guam Guess Who's Coming to Dinner guilt Guilt feeling guilt-distress Gulf Coast Gulf War gun violence guns GXE interactions habits Haiti Haitian immigrants Haitian Revolution hallucinations Handsome Lake Hannibal Hanover Park happiness hardiness Hardiness Scale Hare School Harlem Harlem Renaissance harm harm reduction harmful health sequelae harmful masculinities harmony Harrie Jones Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Jaconbs Harvard Mastery of Stress Study hate Hate Crime Haunting Havasupai Hayim Nahman Bialik HDACi hea;th Head Start Head Start administrators Head Start classroom experiences Head Start program healers healing healing and recovery Healing ceremonies Healing Journey Healing Lodges healing methods healing models healing psychosocial trauma health health and well-being health and wellbeing health anxiety health assessment Health Assessment Workspace Collaborative (HAWC) program health attitudes health behavior health behaviors health care health care disparities health care equity health care inequities health care professionals health care providers health characteristics health concerns health consequences health data systems health disorders Health disparities health disparitites health disparity health effects health equity Health focus: social health health Indigenous health health inequalities health inequities health interventions health knowledge Health literacy health neuroscience health outcomes health policy Health problems health professions education Health Promotion health promotion intervention health promotion strategies health psychology health research health sciences Health service access gaps health services Health Services Research (HSR) health state utilities health status health surveys Health toolkit health-care health-policy decisions Health-Related Income Mobility health-risk behaviors healthcare Healthcare equity Healthcare expenditure Healthcare policy Healthcare workers healthy aging healthy development Healthy migrant hypothesis heavy episodic drinking heavy episodic drinking (HED) Hebrew literature Hebrew poets help-seeking help-seeking behaviors helping behaviors helpseeking behaviors hemoglobal A1C Henry Bibb Henry Box Brown hepatitis C heredity Hereo and Nama War Herero and Nama war Herero genocide Herero people heritability heritage heritage groups hermeneutic phenomenology heroism Herzegovina heterosexual heterosexual students heterosexual youth heterotypic effects Hhistorical trauma hibakusha hidden child survivors Hidden crisis Hidden Holocaust Survivors hidden minority hierarchical clustering analysis Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) hierarchical linear modeling hierarchical regression analysis high conflictual indepence high guilt induction high risk populations high school High school students high school youth High school youths high schoolers higher education Hijab Hiroshima hiroshima and nagasaki bombings Hispanic Americans Hispanics Hissène Habré Hissène Habrè histocompatibility Histone deacetylase (HDAC) Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors histone modification histone modifications histones historic trauma historical CAN historical child abuse and neglect historical consciousness historical context historical events historical experience Historical Feminism historical fiction historical grief historical images historical injustice historical injustices historical loss Historical Loss Associated Symptom Scale (HLASS) Historical Loss Associated Symptoms Scale Historical Loss Scale Historical Loss Scale (HLS) historical loss symptoms historical losses historical memories historical moral injury historical narrative Historical Oppression Historical Oppression Scale (HOS) historical progression of memory historical proxy historical response historical revisionism historical tragedies historical trauma historical trauma (HT) Historical Trauma and Unresolved Grief Intervention (HTUG) historical trauma response historical trauma theory historical traumatization historical violations historically based fear historically based social trauma interventions histories of trauma History history of abuse history of El Salvador history of Indigenous peoples history of psychology HIV HIV risk behaviors HIV/AIDS HLS hoarding holism holistic holistic health Holland Holoaust Holoaust survivors Holocaust Holocaust background Holocaust child survivors holocaust effect holocaust escapees Holocaust experience Holocaust experiences Holocaust exposure Holocaust heritage Holocaust history Holocaust Jewish (1939-1945) Holocaust Jewish (1939-1945) and the arts Holocaust knowledge Holocaust legacy Holocaust literature Holocaust memorial sites holocaust narratives Holocaust offspring Holocaust perpetrators Holocaust primes Holocaust Remembrance Day Holocaust research Holocaust research practices Holocaust salience Holocaust studies Holocaust suffering Holocaust Survivor Holocaust survivor families Holocaust survivor offspring Holocaust survivor parents Holocaust survivor syndrome Holocaust survivor's grandchildren Holocaust survivor's offspring (HSO) Holocaust survivors Holocaust survivors -- Biography holocaust survivors families Holocaust survivors' offspring Holocaust survivors' grandchildren Holocaust Survivors's Offspring (HSO) Holocaust testimony Holocaust trauma Holocaust victim families Holocaust victims holocaust writings Holocaust-psychic trauma holocaust-related PTSD symptoms Holocaustization Holocuast Holodomor Holodomor survivors Holy Shroud home home ownership home safety education Home visiting home-based renal care homeless community Homeless individuals homeless women homelessness homophobia homophobic behavior homophobic bullying homophobic epitaphs homophobic name calling homophobic name-calling homophobic teasing homosexual literature homosexuality honor killings HONOR study Honoring hope hopelessness Hopi Hopkins Symptom Checklist hormonal aberrations hormones horror horses hospital Hospital care hospital discharge hospital stay hospital to home transition hospitalization hospitals hostile aggression (HA) hostile destructiveness Hostile-world scenario hostility hostility-guilt inventory House of Being House Un-American Activites Commitee housing housing discrimination housing disparities HPA axis HPMood HT HTR HUAC hearings human human agency human biology human body human bonding Human Capital human capital characteristics human development human diversity human experiments human fibroblasts human functioning human history human instincts Human Interaction human life human physiology human population characteristics human psychology human rights human rights indicators human rights issues human rights treaty bodies human rights violations human society human spirit human studies human suffering humanism humanitarian aid humanitarian workers humanitarian-development-peace nexus humiliation hunger Hurricane experiences Hurricane Katrina Hurricanes Hurvich Experience Inventory husband's captivity hybrid cells hydrocortisone hydroelectric power plant Hydroxysteriod dehydrogenase type 2 hypcohondriasis hyper-arousal hyper-arousal symptom cluster hypercritical attitudes hypertension Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) hypothermia hyptertension hyptothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hysteria i ICESCR ICTY idealism ideals ideas idenity identification identification process identification with the aggressor identité culturelle identity identity centrality identity culture identity development identity formation Identity negotiation identity problems identity threat identity-based conflict Identity-based cooperation ideologies ideology Ieland ignorance IGT symptoms IHSS group illegal drug use illegal immigration illicit drug use illicit substance use Illinois immaturity immigrant women immigrants immigration Immigration Act of 1924 immigration effect immigration stress immigration theory Impact of Event Scale Impact of Federal Recognition on Hurricane Affected Communities and Transcendence (FHORT) Impact of Federal Recognition on Hurricane Affected communties impact of legal intervention impairment impairment of functioning imperialism implications implicit avoidance tendencies implicit prejudice imprisonment impulsive behavior impulsivity impunity In the Heat of the Night in utero exposures in utero factors Inauguration of Barack Obama incarcerated incarceration incarceration camps incarceration rates incestuous families Incidence incidence rates inclusion inclusivity income-based school assignment plans Income-Related Health Mobility incomplete mourning independent monitoring bodies India Indian boarding schools Indian health service Indian reservation Indian reservations Indian Residential School Indian residential schools Indian Residential Schools (IRSs) indicator development indicators indicators and economic indicators of academic success indicators of genetic distinctiveness indifference indificual-level risk factors indigeneity Indigenist Stress-Coping Model (ISCM) indigenization Indigenous Indigenous adolescents Indigenous adults Indigenous ancestry Indigenous Australian Indigenous Australians Indigenous Autoethnography Indigenous Canadians Indigenous cancer survivors Indigenous child removal system Indigenous children Indigenous children Pacific Island children Indigenous children's development Indigenous circumpolar communities Indigenous coastal communities Indigenous Communities indigenous communitites Indigenous community Indigenous culture Indigenous data sovereignty Indigenous education Indigenous elders Indigenous Experience Indigenous families Indigenous Film Indigenous futures indigenous girls Indigenous Head Start administrators Indigenous healing Indigenous Healing and Seeking Safety group Indigenous health Indigenous health outcomes Indigenous health policy Indigenous health status Indigenous healthcare Indigenous identity Indigenous infants Indigenous Inquiry Indigenous knowledge Indigenous knowledge of child development Indigenous language Indigenous languages Indigenous law enforcement officers Indigenous leaders Indigenous lifeways Indigenous males Indigenous men Indigenous mental health Indigenous Methodologies indigenous motherhood Indigenous nationhood Indigenous nations indigenous neighborhoods Indigenous parents Indigenous patients indigenous people Indigenous peoples Indigenous peoples Communication Indigenous peoples with diabetes indigenous philosophy Indigenous population Indigenous populations indigenous psychology Indigenous research Indigenous researchers Indigenous reservations Indigenous Resilience Indigenous resurgence indigenous rights Indigenous Russians Indigenous scholars Indigenous Spirituality Indigenous sstorytelling indigenous storytelling Indigenous structure Indigenous students Indigenous suicide Indigenous suicide prevention efforts indigenous traditions Indigenous tribes Indigenous view on healing Indigenous view on trauma Indigenous wellbeing Indigenous wellness Indigenous women Indigenous worldview Indigenous worldviews Indigenous youth Indigneous adults indirect exposure to trauma indirect pathways of transmission indirect transmission individual individual healing individual health individual identity individual psychotherapy individual redignification individual support individual trauma individual variables individuals Individuals experiencing homelessness individuation individuation process individucal reparations indulgence Inequality infant infant and child development infant biology Infant feeding infant mortality infant temperament infantile amnesia Infantilization infants infection infectious disease infertility informed consent ingenerational transmission of trauma ingroup identity inheritance inheritance patterns inherited trauma inhibitors injury event rates injury events injury incidence rate ratios (IRRs) injustice inland rivers inmarriage innocence inpatient inpatient records inpatient treatment insecure-ambivalent attachment insecurity inshore rivers insidious trauma insitutional violence Institutional Barriers institutional discipline institutional racism institutional violence institutionalization institutionalized racism Instructional Support insularity insurrection integration integrative review intellectual disability intellectual traditions intensive care unit (ICU) intensively Intentional injury intentional precarity interaction interactive resiliency factor models interconnectedness intercultural adaptation intercultural communication Intercultural mentorship interdepence interdependence interdisciplinary interdisciplinary research interdisciplinary studies interests interferences with democratic processes Intergenerationa intergenerational Intergenerational analysis intergenerational communication intergenerational conflict intergenerational cultural trauma intergenerational cycles of trauma Intergenerational Effect intergenerational effect of war Intergenerational effects Intergenerational effects of trauma intergenerational exposure intergenerational grief intergenerational historic trauma intergenerational HT intergenerational IRS trauma intergenerational memory intergenerational relations Intergenerational resilience intergenerational risk intergenerational tranmission of trauma intergenerational transmission intergenerational transmission of anxiety intergenerational transmission of captivity-related PTSS Intergenerational transmission of depression intergenerational transmission of Holocaust trauma intergenerational transmission of parenting intergenerational transmission of PTSD intergenerational transmission of stress effects intergenerational transmission of symptoms Intergenerational transmission of trauma intergenerational transmission of trauma to offspring intergenerational transmission of trauma-related vulnerabilities intergenerational transmission of violence Intergenerational Trauma intergenerational trauma effects Intergenerational trauma Genocide survivors Children of genocide survivors Rwanda 1994 genocide against the Tutsi intergenerational trauma sumptoms Intergenerational trauma symptoms Intergenerational trauma transmission intergenerational vulnerability intergroup anxiety intergroup conflict intergroup conflict resolution intergroup emotions intergroup interactions intergroup relations intermarriage internaizing symptoms internal armed conflict internal enemies Internal Family Systems (IFS) Internal migration Internal Shame Scale (ISS) internal working models internal-external control Internalised oppression internalization of anger internalized aggression internalized colonization internalized conolization internalized oppression internalized racism Internalized shame internalizing behaviors internalizing disorders internalizing symptoms International international action International Classification of Disease International Covenant on Economic International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights international crimes International Criminal Court international criminal law International Human Rights international humanitarian law international institutions international intervention international justice International Law international organizations international relations international security international tribunals internationality internet internet addiction internet harassment internment internment camp survivors internment survivor offspring interparental conflict interpersonal adjustment interpersonal conflict interpersonal racism interpersonal relations interpersonal relationships interpersonal trauma interpersonal violence interpersonal violence perpetration Interpersonal vulnerability interracial adoption interracial couples interracial relations intersectionality intersectionality theory intersubjective psychoanalytic theory intervening intervention intervention issues intervention program intervention strategies interventions interventions for the traumatized interventionsk interview interviews Intestinal microbiota intimacy intimacy capacity intimate partner violence intimate relationships intimidation intra-familial violence intra-family trauma communication intracultural bullying intrafamilial communication intrapsychic conflict intrapsychic development intrauterine exposure introduction intron 7 glucocorticoid response elements intrusive and avoidance symptoms Intrusive memories Inuit Inuit people Inuit Youth invalidation investment migration involuntary invulnerability Ionizing radiation Iowa IPV Iran Iranian diaspora Iranian nuclear threat Iranians Iraq Iraqi refugee adolescents Iraqi refugees IRBs Ireland Irish conflict Iroquois Iroquois Confederacy Iroquois families IRS experiences IRS history IRS survivors IRS system IRS trauma Irving Greenberg ISIS ISIS threat Islam Islam and Politics isolation Israel Israel Jewish Youth Israel society Israel-Palestine Conflict israeli adolescents Israeli analyst Israeli boys Israeli college students Israeli combat veterans Israeli Defense Force Israeli ex-POW's children Israeli ex-POWs Israeli ex-POWs' children Israeli ex-POWs' wives Israeli ex-prisoners of war Israeli families Israeli father-child dyads Israeli father-mother-offspring triads Israeli Fiction Israeli former prisoners of war Israeli history Israeli Holocaust descendants Israeli Jews Israeli male adolescents Israeli military history Israeli mother-daughter relationship Israeli occupation Israeli parenting experience Israeli parenting norms Israeli poets Israeli political cognitions Israeli prisoners of war Israeli Society Israeli soldiers Israeli sons Israeli veteran families Israeli veterans Israeli war veterans Israeli wives of combat veterans Israeli wives of former prisoners of war Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Israelis isreal issues of protection Italian facist regime italy ITT Iwo Jima J11 J12 J15 JAMA James W.C. Pennington JAOA Japan Japanese American Japanese American Internment Japanese Americans Japanese culture Japanese grandchildren Japanese internment camp survivors Japanese people Japanese WWII camps Jasmin Jusuf Jusufović; Bosnian literature; poetr Jazz Age jazz music jealousy Jesse H. Bratley Jesuits Jewish Jewish children Jewish civilization Jewish communities Jewish community Jewish concentration camps Jewish culture Jewish education Jewish families Jewish filmmakers Jewish heritage Jewish history Jewish Holocaust survivors Jewish Identity Jewish immigrants Jewish individuals Jewish Israeli young adults Jewish Israelis Jewish literature Jewish men Jewish migrants Jewish orphans Jewish parents Jewish people Jewish schools Jewish Studies Jewish survivors Jewish war orphans Jewish women Jewish women in the Holocaust Jewish writers Jews Jews; Poland Jim Crow job stressors John F. Kennedy Jonathan Safran Foer Josiah Henson Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Judaism judicial bias Juneteenth justice Justice and Development Party (AKP) justice system Juvenile Detention juvenile offenders Ka-Tzetnik Kanaka Maoli Karen Karen people kaupapa Mäori Keetoowah Keetoowah women Keetoowah-Cherokee Keetowah Women Khmer language Khmer Rouge Khmer Rouge Regime Kibbutz kibbutzim Kindertransport operation kinship groups knee pain knowledge network knowledge translation Kommandant Klee Korean Americans Korean War Kosovo Kosovo War Kumeyaay Kurdistan Kurds Kuwait L'Écorce et le noyau labor camps labor policy laboratory studies labour camps lack of funding lack of memories lack of resources Lake Abitibi Lakota Lakota elders Lakota men Lakota Sioux land land rights landmines language language barriers language for wellbeing large group large group psychology large groups large print edition large-group idenity Large-group identity large-group ideology large-group narcissism Large-group regression lasting trauma late adolescence late adolescent children late adolescent girls late style latency Latent class analysis Latent Growth Mixture Modeling (LGMM) latent profile analysis later life environment lateral violence Latin American Institute for Mental Health and Human Rights Latin Americans Latino Latino Americans latino youth Latinos Latinx law law enforcement law of armed conflict law school Laws Le Chambon leader-follower relationships leaders leadership leadership styles leadership theories learning environment learning needs learning styles leaving home transition Lebanon War legacies legacies of trauma Legacy Burden legal definitions legal discourse legal principles legal prosecution legal rights legal studies legislative provisions leisure Lenape Lenapehoking lesbian lesbian peers letters Levodopa LGB students LGBQ students LGBT youth LGBTQ LGBTQ adolescents LGBTQ people LGBTQ students LGBTQ youth LGBTQ youths LGBTQ+ LGBTQI LGBTQIA+ LGBTTQ Liberal political ideology liberalism liberation Liberation Psychology Libya life course perspective life course theory Life Events Checklist life experiences life history Life satisfaction life skills life stressors life styes Life Theme lifestyle choices lifestyle migration lifetime diagnoses lifetime exposure to major stress lifetime health trajectories lifetime PTSD lifetime trauma history lifetime traumatic exposure linguistic analysis linguistic ideology linguistic roots list sorting working memory listening guide Literary analysis literary artifacts literary criticism literary critics literary critique literary critism literary figures literary reception literary representation literary theory literary works literature literature review literature-based health assessment Lithuania lived experience lived histories of food lived history livelihood living problems living well livlihood local culture local history locus of control locus-of-control logistic regression logistic regression analysis loneliness long term thinking long-term care long-term consequences long-term effects of the Holocaust Longitudinal longitudinal moderated mediation model Longitudinal studies longitudinal study Lorraine Hansberry Los Angeles riots loss loss of a loved one loss of trust loss-related symptoms love Love Object low birthweight low cortisol low dose dexamethasone low offspring cortisol low self-esteem low-dose dexamethasone low-dose dexamethasone suppression test low-income low-income community low-income environments loxP sites Lumbee adolescents lynching Lyndon B. Johnson machine learning Maghreb Mahler's separation-individuation process Maidu Maidu people mainstream education mainstream treatment model maintenance of child anxiety major depression major depressive disorder Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) major depressive episodes major psychiatric disorder maladaptive behavior maladaptive coping strategies maladaptive features maladjustmant maladjustment Malaysia Malcolm X Malcom X male germ cells male suicide malignant propaganda malnutrition Mamanwa diaspora mammals Man Box Scale Man walks into a room man-made catastrophe Manhattan manifestations of prejudice Manitoba Mann-Kendall trend test MANOVA Manuscript format: research Maori Māori March of the Living marginalization marginalized children marginalized communities marginalized communitites marginalized groups marijuana marijuana use Marilyn Monroe Marita Bonner marital adjustment marital quality marital relationship marital relationships marital satisfaction Marked Protective Identity marriage marriage patterns Marriageable Males Mart ́ın-Baro ́ Martin Luther King Martin Luther King Jr. Martinican Suzanne Césaire martyrdom Maryse Condé masculine identity masculine Israeli identity masculinity mass atrocities mass hysteria mass incarceration mass killing mass media mass murder mass shootings mass trauma Mass Violence Massachusetts massacre massacres massive aggression massive group trauma massive indulgence Massive Psychic Trauma massive psychich trauma massive trauma massive traumatization maternal maternal age maternal age of exposure maternal and child health Maternal and Child Health Database Maternal antenatal corticosteroid treatment maternal anxiety disorders maternal behaviors maternal care Maternal caregiver maternal cognitive appraisal maternal complications maternal depression symptoms maternal deprivation maternal diet maternal distress maternal exposure Maternal health maternal health outcomes maternal inheritance maternal loss maternal mental health maternal mortality maternal parenting Maternal posttraumatic stress maternal posttraumatic stress disorder maternal PTSD maternal race maternal separation Maternal stress maternal trauma maternal trauma symptoms maternal traumatic exposure maternity services math test scores mating mattering to others maturity Maurice Chavalier Maurice Chevalier Maus Maya period McCarthy Era McCarthyera me too movement Meaning Meaning of Work meaning-making funcition measurement measurement equivalence/invariance mechanisms of transmission of trauma Mechanisms of trauma transmission Medgar Evers media media portrayal mediated violence mediation analysis mediation effect mediators medical and educational resources Medical Competency medical data medical distrust Medical Education medical effects medical history medical hospitalization medical personnel medical sociology Medical Students medication medications for opioid use disorders medicine Medicine man meditation melancholia membership memoir memorial memorialization memories memories of joy Memory memory encounters memory studies memory transmission memory-culture men Men's Studies Menachem Begin Mental Attitude to Cancer Scale mental disorder mental disorders mental health mental health and illnes mental health and illness mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) mental health and wellbeing mental health care mental health care access mental health crisis mental health differences mental health disparities mental health index mental health interventions mental health needs mental health practice mental health promotion Mental health recovery mental health research mental health risks Mental Health Services mental health status mental health therapy mental health treatment mental healthcare access mental healthcare stigma mental illness mental illnesses mental pathology mental recall mental structuring mental well-being mental wellbeing mental wellness mental wellness strategies mentalization mentalizing mentoring program mentorship Mentorship model mercy merhamet mesaure development meta-analysis metabolic abnormalities metabolic health metabolic risk metabolism metapsychology Methamphetamine Use methodological factors methodology Métis Metis Metis people metonymic displacement Mexican American youth Mexican Americans Mexican-Americans Mexico mHealth microaggressions microagressions microbiome microbiota Microbiota-gut-brain axis microRNA Middle East middle school middle school boys middle school curriculum middle school fiction middle school students middle school youth middle schools Midwest Midwestern state migrants migration migration history Milgram experiments Milgram Paradigm Milgram's Experiment military families Military Government military history military leaders military masculinity military occupation military personnel military recruitment military reserves soldiers millenials Millennium Development Goals Milosevic Mindset Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Minorities minority minority aging minority banks minority business minority health minority language minority language speakers minority status Minority stress minority suicidal behavior miRNS expression mirror neurons misogyny Miss Saigon Missing and murdered Indigenous women Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Missing and Murdered Women missing women and girls mistrust mitochondrial DNA mitochonrial DNA MK MMIWG2S MMPI MMPI profile patterns Mobilization moderators Modern modern international judicial mechanisms modern military history modern philosophy modern slavery modernism Modified Secondary Trauma Questionnaire modulated disclosure molecular interplay molecular mechanism Molly Picon monoracial adolescents Monotherapy Montana high school students Mood mood disorders Moral Consciousness Moral Consequence moral equilibrium moral implications moral injury moral maturity moral panic morality morbidity Morocco mortality mortality disparities Mortality Rates mother mother-child bond mother-child bonding Mother-child dyads mother-child relationship mother-daughter dyads mother-daughter relationships mother-infant interaction mother–child relationships motherhood motherhood expectations mothers motivating factors Motivational Interview motor vehicle mortalities Mourning movies MSV mtDNA Muda multi-generational harm multi-systemic trauma Multicultural measurement Multiculturalism multidisciplinary studies Multifold trauma multigenerational multigenerational impacts of trauma Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma multigenerational processes multigenerational transmission multigenerational trauma Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure multilevel Multilevel analysis Multimedia Communications multioscillator cosinor analysis multiple secondary trauma exposure multiple trauma Multiple traumas multiracial persons multiracial status multispecies justice multispecies trauma murder murder of Vincent Chin museum ethics museum exhibition catalogues music music education music ensemble Muslim Muslim Americans Muslim-Jewish relations Muslim-Turkish identity Muslims mutability Myanmar Mythos of Survival naarcissism Nagasaki Nakba Nakba survivors Nakba-trauma Nama people namely genocide Nanking Massacre narcissism narcissistic personality organization narcissistic vulnerability narcissstic personality narrative construction narrative genres Narrative Inquiry narrative research narrative theory narrative therapy approaches narrative transmission narrative writing narratives Natasha Trethewey nation nation build nation building national character National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) National Elder Mistreatment Study national enumeration National group national health policy national identity National Jewish Theatre national life National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 National Native Children's Trauma Center (NNCTC) national reports national representative survey national security National Socialism nationalism Native activism Native Alaskans Native American Native American Acculturation Scale (NAAS) Native American adolescents Native American children Native American college students Native American communities Native American elders Native American heritage Native American LifeLines (NAL) Native American men Native American Spirituality Scale Native American students Native American tribes Native American Women Native American women prisoners Native American youth Native American/Alaskan Native Native Americans Native cancer survivors Native communities Native culture Native elders Native Hawaiian Elders Native Hawaiians Native identity Native language Native law enforcement officers Native mental health Native nations native pedagogy Native peoples Native Policy Native researchers Native reservation Native reservations Native resurgence Native survivance Native tribes native youth Nativity natural disasters natural environment Natural healing natural selection Navajo healing ceremony Nazi Nazi concentration camps Nazi death camps Nazi Europe Nazi Germany Nazi Holocaust survivors Nazi legacy Nazi persecution Nazi regime nazis Nazism nDigiStories negative developmental outcomes negative institutional experiences negative social experiences neglect Neighborhood violence neo-colonialism neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) NESARC-III Netherlands neurasthenia neuroanatomical changes Neurobehavioral outcomes neurobiology neurodegeneration neurodevelopment neuroendocrine changes neuroendocrine measures neuroendocrine outcomes neuroendocrine studies neuroepigenetics Neurological disease neurological disorders neuronal reactivity neuronal small RNAs neuropsychiatric disorders Neuropsychological tests neurosis neuroticism New Mexico New Negro visions New Orleans New Zealand Newborn health newborn infant news broadcasting news consumption NGOs Nicole Krauss NICU stay NICU to home Nigeria Nisei NLSY79 non-coding RNA non-genetic transgenerational inheritance Non-heterosexuals in African American Communities non-Hispanic whites non-identity problem non-Jewish citizens non-lethal suicidal behavior non-LGB students non-LGBTQ students non-LGBTQ youths non-Mendelian inheritance non-Native American women prisoners non-physical bullying non-Tribal law enforcement non-Western traditions noncoding RNA nonfiction nonheterosexual nonimmigrants Nontheism nonverbal communication nonviolence Nordic art sector Normal Mailer normative development North Africa North America North American Indian Women North American Indigenous Peoples North American Indigenous Youth North American Jews North Carolina North Central New Mexico Northern Ireland Northern Michigan Northern Plains Northern Plains communities Northern Plains reservation Northern Plains tribe Norway Norwegian Jewish Holocaust survivors Norwegian-born Jews nosology nostalgia nostaliga notes novel novels Noway NR3C1 NR3C2 nuclear arms race nuclear meltdown nuclear reprogramming nuclear testing nuclear war nuclear weapons numbness numerical data nuns nurses nursing Nursing philosophy nursing research/methods nursing student nutrition nutritional deprivation O'Brien Multiphasic Narcissism Inventory obedience obedience experiments obedience studies Obesity obesity-related complications object attachment object biographies object relations objects of survivance obsessive compulsive symptoms obstetric outcomes OC symptoms Occaneechi People occpupational therapy occupational risk occupational status occupational therapy occupied Palestinian territories oceans oceans odds ratio oedipal conflict Oedipus complex off-reservation Off-reservation boarding schools off-reserve Aboriginal adolescents offending trajectories Office of Health Assessment and Translation (OHAT) offspring offspring disorders offspring drinking offspring of American Jewish parents offspring of Armenian genocide survivors Offspring of concentration camp survivors offspring of ex-POWs offspring of former child soldiers offspring of former prisoners of war offspring of genocide survivors offspring of hidden child survivors of the Holocaust offspring of Holocaust survivors offspring of Nazi Holocaust survivors offspring of trauma survivors Offspring psychopathology offspring PTSD offspring PTSS offspring PTSS/PTSD offspring vulnerability offspring wellbeing offsprings Ojibwe Ojibwe community Oklahoma old settlers older adults Older gay men Olfaction olfactory receptor Olfactory sensory neurons Omaheke desert ongoing exposure ongoing exposure to trauma ongoing terror ongoing trauma Ongoing traumatic stress response (OTSR) ongoing violence online harassment online role-play online role-play gatekeeper training simulations online social networks onset of illness Ontario Ontario Mental Health Supplement (OHSUP) open data open-source openness to experience Operation Protective Edge opioid agonist therapy Opioid epidemic opioid use disorder opioid use disordera oppositional defiant disorder oppositional-defiant school behavior oppressed children adolescents Oppression Oppression (Psychology) oral health oral histories oral history oral storytelling organ donation organ donation and transplantation organ donation transplantation organ procurement organization organizational behavior organizational restructuring Organizational Support organizations organizing principles Original World orthostatic panic Osama Bin Laden osteoporosis otherness Ottoman Empire Ottoman Turkish Government Ottomon Empire out-of-home placment outbreak outmarriage outpatient records overcontrol overdose deaths overeating Overincarceration overindependence overparenting overprotection overweight Oxford Measure of Psychosocial Adjustment Pacific Island children Pacific Island communities Pacific Islanders Pacific Islands Pacific Ocean Pacific salmon Pain Palestine Palestinian Palestinian children Palestinian territories Palestinian-Israeli conflict Palestinians palliative care pandemic pandemic effects pandemics panethnic papacy PAQ Questionnaire paradoxical morality paradoxical situations paranoia paranoid-schizoid position parennts Parent parent disorders parent dyads Parent involvement parent psychopathology parent relationship parent suicide parent with respondent disorders parent-adolescent bonding Parent-Adolescent Communications Scale parent-adolescent relationships Parent-child Relations parent-child relationship Parent-child tie parent-child transmission parent–child relationship parent–child role reversal parental abandonment parental attachment parental attitude parental authority parental awareness parental behaviors parental bonding Parental Bonding Instrument Parental burden parental communication parental communication style parental conflicts parental continuity parental control parental depression parental developmental stage parental disclosure of trauma parental drinking parental functioning parental healing parental history parental history of antisocial disorder parental Holocaust traumatization parental hostility parental influence parental influences parental intermediation Parental intimate partner violence (IPV) parental knowledge parental mania parental mental health parental monitoring Parental non-violent intimate partner conflict parental numbing and detachment parental posttraumatic stress disorder parental preconception adversity parental problem types parental psychiatric disorder parental psychiatric history parental psychological control parental psychopathology parental psychopathology subgroups parental PTSD Parental PTSD Questionnaire (PPQ) parental PTSD symptoms Parental rearing Parental rearing behavior parental rejection parental response parental schizophrenia parental SMI parental socialization practices parental stress parental support parental trauma parental trauma exposure parental traumatization parental violence parenthood parentification parentificiation Parenting parenting behavior parenting interventions Parenting Representations Interview-Adolescence parenting style parenting styles parenting support Parenting; Actor–Partner Interdependence Model parents parents of incarcerated men parents' support Parkinson Disease Parkinson's Disease Partial hospital Partisans partner victimization partner violence passing passing narratives passive masochistic compliance past pastoral care and counselling pastoral perspective paternal paternal captivity paternal care paternal depression symptoms paternal environmental exposure paternal exposure paternal parenting paternal preconception exposures paternal proximity paternal PTSD paternal trauma paternalism path analysis pathogenesis pathologization pathology pathophysiological effects pathophysiologies pathways patient patient experiences of care Patient-reported outcome Patriarchal family patriarchal norms patriarchal oppression patriarchy Pavlovian conditioning paychopathology peace peace building Peace Making peace missions peace psychology peacebuilding peaceful coexistence Pearl Harbor pedagogical practices pedagogy pediatrics Pedometers peer aggression peer bullying peer delinquency peer deviance peer ecologies peer influence peer influences peer leader influence peer network peer pressure peer relations peer support peer victimization peer-groups peer-relations peer-to-peer sexual harassment penal institutions pension examinations People with disabilities perceived collective efficacy perceived self-efficacy Perceived traumatic experiences Perception of self and parents perceptions perceptions of aging perfectionistic ego ideal performance perinatal depression perinatal mental health perinatal mental health counseling Perinatal programming perinatal research peripheral blood mononuclear cells peritraumatic dissociation Permaculture permissive parenting permissiveness perpetration-victimization perpetrator perpetrator groups perpetrator's guilt Perpetrators persecuted populations persecution person-environment relationships personal accounts personal agency personal desires personal efficacy personal experiences Personal Feeling Questionnaire 2 (PFQ2) personal health personal history personal identity personal memoirs personal narrative personal narratives personal relations Personal strength Personality personality development personality differences Personality disorder personality disorders personality functioning personality organization personality traits personalized stem cells personally mediated racism perspective perspectives Peru Peruvian Truth Commision Peruvian women pervasive narcissistic mortification pessimissim PGD phantasy pharmacological agents phenomenological study phenomenology Phenotype phenotypical traits Philippines philosophy photographs Photography phsycical abuse Phyllis Wheatley physical abuse physical abuse victimization Physical activity physical aggression physical fighting Physical health physical illness physical impact Physical Inactivity physical problems physical symptoms physical victimization physical well-being physicians physiological disruption physiological hyperarousal physiological psychology physiology Pilot evaluation Pine Ridge Reservation pituitary-adrenal function tests PK scores Place place based health placenta plant medicine plashma cortisol suppression plasma cortisol suppression plasticity Pleasure Principle pluralism pluriopotentiality pluripotential embyonic stem cells pneumonia PNMS poetry poets poisoning Poland polemics police police brutality police misconduct police violence Police-reported crimes policing Policy policy analysis policy attitudes policy implementation policymaking Polish Jewish refugees polish underground politcal economy political capital Political cartoon political compromise political conflict political crime political crimes political economy political empowerment political imprisonment political inequalities political instability political isolation political justice political leadership Political Martyrs political novel political organizing political participation political persecution political prisoners political propaganda Political Repression political status political systems political terror political upheaval political upheavel Political violence political violence in Argentinia politicide politicl dysfunction politics Politics and Government pollutants poly-victimization Polygenic risk pop culture population health population policies Population-based health assessment Portraiture Portugal positive mental health outcomes positive parenting positive peace positive psychology positive resilience positive social change posstraumatic psychopathology posstraumatic stress disorder post colonialism Post partum depression post traumatic stress post traumatic stress disorder post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Post World War 2 post-2015 agenda post-conflict post-conflict policies post-contact post-Holocaust post-imigration stories post-Jim Crow South post-Marxism post-memorial context post-memory post-ottoman turkish genocide post-secondary education post-traumatic stress post-traumatic stress disorder Post-War post-war adaptation post-war reaity post-war reconciliation post-war reconstruction post‐traumatic stress disorder postcolonial discourse postcolonial theory postconflict setting postconflict Sierra Leone postmemories of trauma postmemory postmigration identity postmigration trauma postnatal care postnatal maternal care postpartum depression postpartum depressionThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoDerivs License postpartum mental health postsecondary education posttrauma adaptational styles posttrauma contexts posttrauma factors posttraumatic growth posttraumatic growth (PTG) posttraumatic growth (PTG) health disparities posttraumatic growth theories posttraumatic instrusion posttraumatic intrusion posttraumatic pathologies posttraumatic psychopathologies posttraumatic reactions posttraumatic slave syndrome (PTSS) posttraumatic stress Posttraumatic stress disorder posttraumatic stress disorder characteristics Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist posttraumatic stress disorder predictors posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD posttraumatic stress disorders posttraumatic stress symptoms posttraumatic stress syndrome posttraumatic stress syndrome patients posttraumatic symptoms posttreatment substance use posttrumatic stress symptoms postwar adjustment postwar family postwar losses postwar memory pottery poverty POW power dynamics power imbalance power of family power of love power palancing pows PPD pragmatic help pragmatic solidarity pre-imigration stories precocious maturity preconception preconception adversity preconception trauma predator stress predator stress model predicability predictive characteristics prefrontal cortical activity Pregnancy pregnancy beliefs pregnancy complications Pregnant and lactating people Pregnant women Prejudice premature birth premature infant premenstrual syndrome prenatal prenatal care prenatal environment prenatal exposure prenatal exposure delayed effects prenatal famine exposure prenatal maternal stress Prenatal stress prenatal visits prenatal/pregestational preparedness prescription drug misuse present-day colonialism preservation of health pretrauma resources Prevalence prevalent childhood health outcomes preventable diseases preventative programs prevention prevention bullying prevention programs prevention strategies Primary care services primary health care services Primary Socialization Theory prior trauma prison Prison experience prison reform prisoner of war Prisoner Reentry Prisoner's Dilemma prisoners of war private crimes privilege pro-social behaviors probabilistic basis probiotic Probiotics problem-solving process progessive force program effects program evaluation Programming programming effects Project Ice Storm Projective identification projective testing prolonged grief disorder prolonged stress promoter regions propaganda prose prosocial activity prosocial intergroup outcomes prosocial skills prospective studies prospective study prostitution Protected areas protective factors protective family proteostasis protest provided the original work is properly cited provider bias provincial comparisons proximal stressors proxy agency Pschyoanalysis pseudo-language PSID psychiatric assessment psychiatric consequences psychiatric diagnoses psychiatric diagnosis psychiatric disability Psychiatric disease psychiatric disorder psychiatric disorders Psychiatric epidemiology psychiatric evaluation psychiatric family history psychiatric help psychiatric hospitalization psychiatric interviewing psychiatric problems psychiatric research psychiatric symptomatology psychiatric treatment psychiatry psychic health Psychic homes psychic integrity Psychic Life psychic pain psychic processes psychic structure Psychic Trauma Psychic trauma treatment psychic traumatization psychoanalyis Psychoanalyses psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis and genocide Psychoanalyst's perspective psychoanalytic Psychoanalytic Holocaust Studies psychoanalytic interpretation psychoanalytic object psychoanalytic perspective psychoanalytic theory psychoanalytic therapy psychobiological research psychobiology psychodiagnostic studies psychodynamic interactions psychodynamics psychoeducation psychological abuse psychological adjustment psychological aging psychological approaches Psychological aspects psychological assessment psychological border psychological breakdown psychological burdens psychological changes psychological complaints psychological consequences psychological control psychological counseling psychological damage psychological defenses psychological development Psychological Distress Psychological effects psychological effects of racism psychological evaluation psychological experiments psychological functioning psychological growth psychological health psychological identity psychological immunity psychological impact psychological impact of colonization psychological intervention programs psychological issues Psychological maltreatment psychological motivation psychological of neighbours psychological outcome psychological practices psychological preparation psychological problems psychological processes psychological research psychological sequelae psychological status psychological stress psychological stresss psychological suffering psychological testing psychological tests psychological theory psychological training psychological trauma psychological traumatization psychological treatment psychological well-being psychological wellbeing psychologist psychology psychology of neighbours psychology of women psychometric properties psychometrics Psychopathic personality traits Psychopathological problems psychopathologies Psychopathology Psychophysiological Trauma Psychoscial trauma psychoses Psychosis psychosocial distress psychosocial effects psychosocial factors psychosocial health psychosocial health research psychosocial interventions psychosocial outcomes psychosocial risk psychosocial stress psychosocial themes Psychosocial Trauma psychosociology psychosomatic network psychosomatic symptoms psychotheoretical work psychotherapists psychotherapy psychotic episode PTE PTG PTG theories PTS PTSD PTSD characteristics PTSD checklist PTSD risk PTSD symptomology PTSD symptoms PTSD syndrome PTSD trajectories PTSD transmission PTSD vulnerability PTSD-associated symptom expression PTSD/PK subscales PTSS PTSS gender differences PTSS patients PTSS trajectories public education public hatred public health public health and politics public health communities public health crisis public health experts public health implications public health interventions public health programs public health strategy public mental health public narratives public policy public statements published passages PubMed Puerto Rico punishment Punitive institutions purification Purpose pursued support putative biological risk for PTSD putative plasticity alleles Puyallup Tribe of Indians pyschological distress QoL qualitative qualitative analysis Qualitative Description qualitative healthcare qualitative interviews qualitative methods qualitative research qualitative study qualitative thematic analysis qualititative study quality quality of dyadic relationship quality of life quality-of-life outcomes quantitative analysis quantitative assessment quantitative PCR quantitative research Quechua-speaking women Queensland Native Mounted Police queer queer literature Queer people queer theory questionnair questionnaire Questionnaire for Secondary Traumatization (FST) questionnaire survey questionnaires race Race and gender race and politics Race Identity race laws race matters race relations Race relations Study and teaching race riots race-based discrimination race-based health research race-based school assignment plans race-based traumatic stress race-related coping strategies race-related stress Race/Ethnicity racial archetypes Racial bias Racial capitalism racial categorization racial data racial differences racial differences in disease racial differences in health racial discrimination racial disparities racial disparities in health racial edifuce racial emotive order racial equity racial groups racial health disparities Racial Identification racial identifiers racial identity racial inequality racial misclassification racial patterning of distribution of disease racial profiling racial residential segregation racial segregation Racial slur racial stereotypes racial tension racial trauma racial variations in health status racial variations in mental health racial violence racial wealth gap racial/ethnic identity racial/ethnic minorities Racialization racialized emotions racialized societies racially diverse racism racism and other hate crimes racist sciences radiation radiation exposure radiation research radicalism radioactive fallout radium poisoning raising sons rampage shootings randomized control trials Randomized controlled trial randomness rape rape trauma management rape victims Rasagiline Rasch model rates of mental disorder rats RDoC reaction time reader's guide reader's gyude reading test scores real-life exposure realism reality reality testing rebirth receptivity recidivism reciprocal reactions reciprocity Reclamation recognizing human rights recombination reconciliation Reconciliation Study and teaching reconcilliation reconstruction recovery rectificatory red scare redress reference groups referral and consultation reflective practice Reflexive thematic analysis reflexivity reforms refugee refugee children refugee children traumatic experiences refugee communities refugee families refugee parents refugees regeneration regenerative design regression regresstion model rehabilitation rehumanization reintegration rejection relational aggression relational approaches relational psychology relational status relationship building Relationship Scales Questionnaire (RSQ) relationship schemas relationships relationships with trauma relatives of trauma survivors relatives' support relaxation training relics relief workers religion Religion and society religiosity religious boarding school religious minorities religious practice Religious Services religious tension religiousity Remember the Women Institute Remembering remembrance remote communities Remote prenatal education removal from immigration experiences reparation mechanisms reparation process Reparationists reparations reparations politics reparative imp reparative impact reparative justice repatriation repatriation Muda Aboriginal exhibition anthropology gender repentance repetition repression reprocessing reproductive health reproductive justice Reproductive Rights Republic of Adygea reputation rescue rescue of Jews rescuers Research research design research ethics research methodology research oversight research reviews research subjects reservation communitites reservation healthcare delivery systems reservation high schools reservations reservoirs resettlement resettlement communities Residential mobility Residential schools residential treatment residual associations resil resiliance resilience résilience resilience hyporthesis resilience hypothesis resilience patterns resilience psychological Resilience Scale resilience theory resilience to trauma resiliency resilient reintegration resilient trajectories resistance Resistance movements resource protection resources respondent disorders response patterns responses to trauma Responsibility responsible research restitution restoration restorative circles restorative justice restorative problem-solving resurgence Retention retraumatization retrospective return revenge revenge motifs revictimization review reviews revolution revolutionaries revolutionary fiction reward responsivity Richard Wright right and left hippocampal volume right to education right to health right to reparations right-win politics right-wing rhetoric Righteous Among the Nations rights rights-based accountability risk risk accumulation Risk and Projective Factors Project Risk and Protective Factors Project risk assessment risk behaviors risk factor risk factors risk for depression risk of injury Risk of liability risky behaviors ritual rituals RNA RNAs roads Rohingya role of place Roma People Roman Catholicism romance Rome Statute rural rural Alaska Native communities Rural and remote rural communities Rural health rural reservation life rural white adolescents Russia Russian authors Russian Far East Rwanda Rwandan genocide Rwandan Genocide Survivors S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) S'Klallam Sacred Mountain Youth Project Sacred stories sadism sadistic superego sadness Safe Start Demonstration Project Saint Lucia Saint-Domingue salary level salivary cortisol salivary cortisol levels Same-Sex Relations in Scripture SAMHSA Sami Sami communities Sami communitites San Francisco Bay Area Sand Creek Massacre sanitation Sansei Sarajevo SARS-CoV-2 Saúde Indígena SAVRY Scale development Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS) schizophrenia schizophrenia risk scholars school school belonging school bullying school children school cimate school climate school communities school composition school context school environment school fighting school friendships school performance school relationships school resource officers school safety school security professionals school shooting school shootings school systems school violence School-based extracurriculars school-based interventions school-shooting schoolchildren schools Schutztruppe science science education science-related sustainability actions scientific careers screening instruments screenplay second generation second generation Armenian genocide survivors second generation effects of trauma second generation from refugee backgrounds Second generation Holocaust survivors Second generation of the Holocaust second generation survivors second generation survivors of the Armenian Genocide Second Holocaust Second Step Middle School Program second step program Second World War second-generation Second-generation atomic bomb survivors second-generation effects second-generation Holocaust survivors second-generation Jewish Holocaust survivors second-generation Survivor effects second-generation survivors second-generation witnesses second-hand smoke secondary exposure Secondary postraumatic growth secondary posttraumatic growth (SG) Secondary Tramatization secondary tramatization (ST) Secondary trauma secondary trauma symptoms secondary traumatic stress Secondary Traumatic Syndrome secondary traumatizatin (ST) Secondary Traumatization secondary traumatization (ST) secondary traumatiziation secrets Secure Identity security sedentary behaviors seeking safety segreagated economy segregated economy segregation self concept self development self help programs self psychology self-administered reports self-advocacy self-agency self-care self-control self-criticism self-deception self-denigration self-determination self-disclosure self-efficacy self-esteem self-esteem alienation self-harm self-help self-identification self-identity Self-in-relationship self-psychological perspective self-psychology Self-rated health self-rated mental health self-rating scales self-realization self-regulation self-report questionnaires self-report questionnairs self-reported alcohol and drug use self-reported cigarette smoking self-reported questionnaires self-reporting self-repression self-revelation Self-study self-worth self0efficacy semi-structured interviews Seminole semiparametric trajectory analysis Seneca Nation sense of belonging sense of control sense of identity sense of place sensei Sensitive periods Sentence Completion Test separation separation anxiety separation anxiety disorder separation from parents separation individuation issues separation obstacles separation problems separation-individuation September 11 September 11 2001 September 11 attacks Sequential traumatization Serbian genocide serious mental illness (SMI) servant leadership Setting: american Indian community settler colonial states settler colonial theory settler colonialism settler permanency settler states severe famine sewage disposal SEWB sex sex assigned at birth sex difference sex distribution Sex Ratio sex trafficking survivors sex-specific epigenetic effects sexiam sexism sexist sciences sexting Sexual abuse sexual abuse survivors Sexual and gender diverse Sexual and gender minority youth sexual assault sexual assault prevalence sexual assault survivors sexual crime sexual dating abuse sexual harassment sexual harassment perpetration sexual harassment victimization sexual health sexual identity sexual minorities sexual minority youth Sexual orientation Sexual risk sexual risk differences sexual risk taking sexual slavery sexual solicitation sexual trauma therapists sexual trauma therapy sexual victimization sexual violence sexual violence perpetration Sexual violence prevention sexualities sexuality sexually inappropriate behavior sexually transmitted diseases sexually transmitted diseasses Sexually-risky behaviors SGS shamanism shame shared cultural experiences shared leadership shared mental representation shared narcissism shared superego pathology shared traumatic reality sharing circles Shoa Shoah Shoah survivors short allele of 5HTTLPR short stories short story Short-term therapy shortage Shoshone Shoshone sweat lodge Shoshone-Bannock people shyness sibling aggression siblings siblings of incarcerated men Siege of Sarajevo sigmund freud Sikkim silence silenced trauma silencing silencing strategies silent submission single mothers single-oscillator analysis Sioux Tribe Six Nations sixth grade students Sixties Scoop Era Skin tone slaughterhouse labour slave narratives Slave Trade Slavery slaves SLE Sleep Sleep apnea sleep disorders sleep patterns Sleep problems sleepiness sleeping difficulties SLT Small non-coding RNA small populations small RNA inheritance SMI-exposed children Smoking sobriety sobriety maintenance programs social social alienation social and cultural rights social and emotional wellbeing social behavior social behaviors Social benefits social capital social categorization social change social characteristics social cognitive theory social computer games Social conflict social construct social context social determinants social determinants of health social development social dimensions social disparities social dynamics social ecology social enviornments social environment social epidemiology social epigenetics social groups social health social health challenges social hierarchy social history social identificaiton social identification social identity social impairment social indicators social inequality social inequities social inheritance social interactions social interventions social isolation social justice social justice interventions social learning theory social maps Social media social mobility Social movements social network social networking social networks social norms social organization social participation Social Philosophy social problems social psychology social reintegration social relations social resources social responsibility social risk factors social science social scientists social stigma social structure social suffering social support social systems social theory social trauma social values Social work social work education social work ethics social work values social-emotional social-emotional learning socialization socialization practices Socially-assigned Race socially-coded language societal concerns societal expectations societal inequalities societal trauma societal-political divisions society socio-demographic characteristics socio-economic competency socio-economic disparities socio-economic status socio-political attitudes socio-political influences sociocultural barriers to treatment sociocultural determinants sociocultural disadvantages sociocultural mechanisms sociocultural practices sociocultural systems sociocultural trauma Sociodemographic correlations socioeconmic status (SES) Socioeconomic socioeconomic achievement socioeconomic disparities socioeconomic factors socioeconomic mental health socioeconomic outcomes socioeconomic status socioeconomic status (SES) socioeconomics socioemotional development sociological concepts sociology sociopolitical conflict Soft Rights Sol Hurok soldiers solidarity Solomon Northup somatic cells somatic complaints somatic factors somatic healing somatic nuclei sons soul wound soul wounds sound generator South Africa South African women South America South Asia South Asian South Asians South Dakota South East Asia South Korea Southeast Asia Southeast Asian Americans Southeast asians southeastern tribal members southeastern tribe southeastern tribe members Southeastern tribes Southern Alberta Southside southwestern American Indian Southwestern Indigenous boys Southwestern tribe Soviet rule Soviet Union Spanish Civil War Spanish Flu spatiality Special Diabetes Program for Indians special education programs specific learning disabilities Sperm sperm DNA spirit spirit infustion spirit posession spirit possession spiritual identity spiritual impact spiritual leaders spiritual nature of education spiritual obligation spiritual pathways spiritual wellbeing spiritual wounding spirituality sports spouses spouses of ex-POWs spouses of ex-prisoners of war spouses of former prisoners of war Sprague Dawley rat sprit Srebrenica massacre Sri Lanka ST symptoms staff Stalin standardized evaluations Stanley Milgram Startle starvation state accountability state apologies state oversight state reporting state violence state-sponsored violence statistical analysis statistics STEM STEM community stereotypes stereotyping sterilization Stigma STIs Stokely Carmichael stories story-telling approach storytelling straight students Stratification economics street-level trauma strengths-based strengths-based theory Stress stress / distress stress and trauma history stress axis fuction stress disorders stress exposure Stress in children stress management stress process Stress resilience stress resistance stress response stress responsiveness Stress Variables Stress vulnerability stress-coping model stress-induced perinatal programming stress-related illness stress-related pathology stress-related physiology stress/distress Stressful Events Questionnaire (SEQ) stressful life events stressor chronicity stressors strictness stroke Stroke Epidemiology Stroop Test Structural Barriers Structural disadvantage structural equation model Structural Equation Modeling structural inequalities structural justice structural racism Structural violence Structured Clinical Interview structured interviews STS STSD student achievement student perpetrators student success Student Teacher student verbal aggression student victimization students students of color students with disabilities Study design: randomized STUs Sub-ethnic groups Subbotnik Jews subgroup identifiers subjective age subjective life expectancy subjective well-being sublimation subordinated masculinity subsistence societies substance abuse substance abuse disorder substance abuse disorders substance abuse rates Substance Abuse Recovery substance dependence substance misuse substance related psychopathology Substance use substance use disorder substance use disorder treatment substance use disorders substance use disorders (SUD) substance use intervention substance use prevention substance use treatment design substance-related disorders substantive equality successful aging Sudan sudden violent separation suffering Suicidal behavior suicidal behaviors suicidal ideation Suicidal tendencies suicidal thoughts Suicidality Suicide suicide attackers suicide attempt suicide attempts suicide ideation suicide prevention suicide rates suicide risk suicide-related behavioors suicide-related behaviors suidice suitable reservoirs suitable targets of externalization superego superego alteration support support programs Support services support systems Supreme Court Suquamish Surgeon General's Report surrealism surveillance survey survey data survey methods survey research surveys survival Survival Analysis survival guilt survival mode survivance survivor survivor familes survivor families survivor family survivor generation survivor generation levels survivor guilt survivor narratives survivor offspring Survivor Parent survivor parents survivor profile survivor status survivor stories survivor symptoms survivor syndrome survivor terminology survivor-parents survivor's guilt survivor's trauma survivor's child survivor's guilt survivors survivors of domestic abuse survivors of ethnic cleansing survivors of genocide survivors of suicide survivors of survivors survivors of the Armenian Genocide Survivors of the Holocaust survivors syndrome survivors’ guilt survivors' experiences survivors' legacy susceptibility sustainability sustainable prevention sustaining peace Suzanne Lacascade Swaddling Swail's Geometic Model of Student Persistance and Achievement Swail's Geometric Model of Sudent Persistence and Achievement sweat lodge ceremonies sweat lodge ceremony Sweden symptom severity symptomatology syndemic Syndemics synthetic nation Syria system dynamics systematic oppression systematic review Systemic discrimination Systemic oppression systemic racism systemic trauma systems of privilege Taíno people Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database Taiwanese children Talking Circle Talking Circle method Tamil Target population age: adult Target population circumstances: race/ethnicity taxonomy teacher attitudes teacher training teacher victimization teacher-directed violence teachers Teaching teaching methods technology teen dating relationships teen dating violence teens televised traumatic content television exposure television viewers telomere temperament terminology Terrebonne Parish territoriality terror terror exposure terror victims terrorism terrorist attack terrorist attacks test testimony Texas TGH Thailand thanatology Thanksgiving The Composite International Diagnostic Interview the conspiracy of silence The Exorcist The history of love The Holocaust The Nazi Party The Netherlands the past the Prophet Muhammad the role of the writer The Troubles the Valley theatrical performance thematic analysis theodicy Theodore Roosevelt theological differences theological themes Theology theoretical approaches theory theory of functions therapeutic applications therapeutic approaches therapeutic interventions therapeutic jurisprudence therapeutic modality therapeutic rescue therapeutic strategy therapists therapy therapy of Holocaust survivors therapy with women Theresienstadt third generation third generation Armenian genocide survivors Third generation descendants of Holocaust survivors third generation Holocaust individuals third generation Holocaust survivors Third generation Holocaust trauma third generation Japanese Americans third generation of the holocaust third generation survivors of the Armenian Genocide Third Reich third-generation Holocaust identity third-generation post-War Germans Thomas Asylum thomas Indian School thought control Threat Threat bias Threats time time collapse time expansion time in bed (TIB) Time trends Tisha B'Av tissue donors tolerance Toni Morrison Torres Strait Islanders Torture torture and enforced disappearances totalitarian regime totalitarianism toxi masculinity toxic environments toxic exposure toxic waste tradition traditional culture traditional healing traditional healing practices traditional knowledge traditional knowlege traditional masculinity traditional medicine traditional religions traditional therapies traditional values traditional warrior roles traditions traids training trait anger trajectories tranmission of trauma trans indivuduals Transaction Publisher transactions transatlantic slavery Transcaucasia transcendence transdisciplinarity transdisciplinary research transference Transference and Countertransference transference psychology transformational leadership transformative justice transformative learning transformative social justice transgender transgender adolescents Transgender people transgender youth transgender youth of color Transgenerality of trauma transgeneration transmission of trauma transgenerational transgenerational effect transgenerational effects transgenerational effects of trauma Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance transgenerational epigenetic programming transgenerational genocide exposure transgenerational impact of cultural trauma transgenerational inheritance transgenerational inheritence Transgenerational Legacy transgenerational memory of fetal experience transgenerational outcomes transgenerational pathology transgenerational processes transgenerational responses to trauma transgenerational symptoms transgenerational transfer theory transgenerational transmission transgenerational transmission of mental illness transgenerational transmission of trauma Transgenerational trauma Transgenerationality of Trauma. transgressional transmission transition studies transition to the workplace transitional justice Transitional societies Transmission transmission of parental trauma transmission of PTSD transmission of trauma transmission of traumatic experiences transmittal of trauma transmitted trauma transnationalism transplant rejection transportation transposition transsmission Trauma Displacement trauma trauma and loss trauma and recovery trauma and victimization trauma assessment trauma characteristics trauma disclosure trauma discourse trauma dynamics trauma exposure trauma group design trauma history Trauma History Questionnaire trauma hitory trauma incidents trauma legacies trauma liberation trauma memory trauma of displacement Trauma of separation trauma orientation trauma prevention and healing trauma recovery trauma response trauma responses trauma stress trauma sumptoms Trauma Survivor trauma survivors Trauma Symptom Check-list-40 (TSC-40) trauma symptoms trauma theory trauma therapists trauma therapy Trauma transmission trauma treatment trauma type seven trauma- informed care trauma-exposed refugees trauma-informed Trauma-informed care trauma-informed rehabilitation trauma-informed strategies Trauma-informed training trauma-related stimuli trauma-survivng parents Traumatic Death traumatic displacement traumatic event traumatic events traumatic excitation Traumatic experience traumatic experiences traumatic experiencing traumatic exposure traumatic grief traumatic knowledge traumatic legacy traumatic legacy of the Shoah traumatic life experiences traumatic loss Traumatic Memory traumatic reactions Traumatic Stress traumatic stress disorder traumatic stress studies traumatic stressors traumatisme intergénérationnel traumatismes traumatization traumatized groups traumatized individuals traumatized parents traumatized populations traumatized veterans traumatology Traveller masculinities treatment Treatment and therapy treatment engagement treatment intensity treatment interventions treatment outcome treatment-seeking treatments treaty bodies tree model Trend triadic analysis triads trials triangulation tribal communities Tribal Critical Race Theory tribal engagement tribal identity Tribal IRBs tribal lands tribal leadership tribal members tribal participation tribal perserverance tribal roles tribal so tribal sovereignty tribal spirituality tribe Tribes trival values trivialization Tropiques magazine trust Trust Development trust-breaking trust-building truth Truth and reconciliation Truth and Reconciliation Commission Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) truth commisions truth commissions truth disclosure Tsarist rule tsunami Tunisia Turkey Turkish diaspora Turkish Government Turkish history Turks Tutsi Tutsi communities Tutsi families Tutsi Genocide Tutsi individuals Two Spirit People Two-Eyed Seeing two-eyed seeing approach Two-Eyes Seeing Two-Spirit two-spirits type 2 diabetes tyranny U.S. Census Bureau U.S. national security policies U.S. Senate U.S. settler colonialism Uganda UKB Ukraine Ukrainian families Ukrainian War ultradian rhythym UN High Commissioner for Human Rights UN peace operations UN Special Rapporteur UNAMET Uncle Tom's Cabin uncompleted mourning unconscious unconscious conflict unconscious control unconscious countertransference resistence unconscious fantasy uncontrolled fear undergraduate undergraduate nursing Undergraduate Students undergraduates underreporting underserved undocumented Unemployment unfinished novel UNICEF UNIFEM Union of International Democrats (UETD/UID) unit United Houma Nation (UHN) United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians United Kingdom United Nations United Staes United stat United States United States Congress United States History United States presidents United States Senate universal jurisdiction universalism universities University of Montana's Institute for Educational Research and Service (IERS) UNOPS unpublished passages unregistered data unreported data unresolved childhood trauma unresolved grief unresolved trauma unsuccessful therapy unsupportive social interactions UNV up-regulation upper Midwest Urban urban Aboriginal homeless trends urban Aboriginal mobility Urban American Indian adolescents Urban areas urban community urban education urban Indigenous urban Indigenous people urban life urban settings urinary cortisol urinary cortisol excretion urinary cortisol secretion urinary ethyl glucuronide-confirmed alcohol abstinence urine urine drug tests US US Department of Veterans Affairs US government us-and-them USA use of violence utero contributors utero exposure Utrecht Studies vaccines Valproic acid values vaping Veiling Venezuela verbal abuse verbal aggression Veteran veteran families veterans viability vicarious group trauma Vicarious trauma/traumatization Vicarious Traumatization vicarious victimization Vichy Regime victim victim beliefs victim groups Victim/survivor populations victimhood victimization victims victims of childhood abuse victims of incest victims of state-sponsored terrorism victims of terrorism victims of the Armenian Genocide video video games Vietnam Vietnam combat veterans Vietnam Veteran Vietnam veterans Vietnam war Vietnamese Boat People Vietnamese Refugees views on health and illness Vikor Frankl violence violence against educators violence against teachers violence against women violence in school violence perpetration violence prevention violenct life events violent acts violent behavior violent behaviors violent conflict violent crime violent deaths violent life events violent victimization virtual reality Vision problems Vladimir Putin vocabulary Vodou volunteers vonflict voodoo Voting rights Voting Rights Act vreative arts Vulnerabilidade em Saúde vulnerabilities vulnerability Vulnerability in Health vulnerable children vulnerable populations Wabanaki Wake County schools wall-building Waponahki War war captivity war combat war combatants war crimes war exposure war films War of 1812 war rape survivor families War reparations War Trauma War Veteran war veterans war victims war zone war-affected children war-exposed adolescents war-exposed children war-related trauma war-related violence war-time experiences warfare warrior societies Wars Warsaw Wartime wartime experiences wartime rape wartime sexual violence water water and sanitation Water teachings Wealth wealth gap wealth status weapon-carrying weekly alcohol use weight gain Weimar Republic welfare well-being well-functioning wellbeing wellness Wenchuan earthquake West Africa West Bank West Germany western beliefs Western healing Western medicine Western perspectives western power Western psychology Western treatment model Western US Western worldview WHHSS which permits use and distribution in any medium White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation white nationalism white privilage White supremacists white supremacy white supremacy movements Whiteness Whites WHO wholistic health WHOQOL Wilfred Bion William Wells Brown willingness to donate (WTD) Wills Wilmington Coup Wilmington Riot Witnesses of Crimes wives wives of ex-POWs wives of former prisoners of war Wives of veterans women women counselors women experiencing homelessness women in the the theater women of color women survivors women victims Women's Active Museum on War and Peace women's health women's political imprisonment Women's Rights women's studies word assumption work work group Working Alliance workplace workplace environment world assumptions World Assumptions Scale World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys world religion World Trade Center attacks World War 2 World War I World War II World War II Military Personnel world war II survivors World War Two world war two survivors worldview worry Wounded Knee Massacre writers writing WWI WWII WWII veterans Xavier Piar Xavier Piat xenophobia Xiavier-Piat yarning Yazidi Yezidi Yiddish YMSM Yom Kippur War Yom Yom KIppur War young adolescents young adult fiction young adults young girls young indigenous adults young men Young People young South Africans Young Turk era younger men youth Youth adjustment youth bullying youth culture camps youth delinquency youth gang involvement youth mental illness Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Youth Self-Report youth special education services youth suicide youth trauma exposure youth treatment youth victims youth violence youth violence prevention youth with disabilities Yucatan Peninsula Yuchi Yugoslav Wars Yugoslavia Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region Yung Turks Yup'ik peoples Zaire Ze'ev Jabotinsky Zimbabwe Zionism Zionist ideology Zora Neale Hurston Zuni 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